Getting to Know the Prophetsדוגמה

Getting to Know the Prophets

יום 8 מתוך 30


Amidst vivid descriptions of dreams and visions, the book of Zechariah offers a message of encouragement. Zechariah served the Lord in the years following the 70-year Babylonian exile. The Israelite remnant that emerged post-exile had no king. And, though Zechariah served the Lord, he was very aware that not all of the people had repented of their sins and turned to the Lord with all of their hearts, soul, and mind.

In today’s reading, we see the Lord wanted the people to return to Him. The Lord Almighty wanted the people to return to Him. The name Zechariah means “the Lord remembers.” What an encouragement we have even in the study of Zechariah’s name. The Lord remembers us. He wants our hearts. He wants our full obedience. Even delayed obedience to confess our sin and walk in the way of the Lord is disobedience from the flesh of our hearts.

1. In what areas do you need to repent and return to the Lord? How do you need to be obedient today?

2. Do you see patterns of generational sin manifest in your heart and life? Take a moment to confess those sins and return to the Lord.

Prayer: Father, thank You that I can confess sin and return to you. Open my eyes to the sins I have in my life. I confess them to You.

כתבי הקודש

יום 7יום 9