Getting to Know the Prophetsדוגמה

Getting to Know the Prophets

יום 23 מתוך 30


After reading Ezekiel 9 and you may find yourself slightly if not very, scared of this book of the Bible. Don't worry! We’ll break some of it down. So much is going on in Ezekiel 9, but the main thing we’ll focus on today is verse 8, Ezekiel's grief. Keep in mind these descriptions are from his visions. Ezekiel was a prophet and a priest: a prophet during a time of exile. Ezekiel cared for his people even while, on the outside, he seemed harsh and uncompromising. I think of the saying, "Have thick skin and a tender heart.” This seems to exemplify Ezekiel’s heart for God’s people, and what he wanted for them.

In Ezekiel 9 and 10, God reminded Ezekiel that judgment was coming and was rightfully deserved. The people had turned to their own ways and their own idols. Some were marked with the Hebrew letter T, written as a cross on their forehead. This may sound familiar because of Biblical Passover. The righteous were marked, and their fate was sealed. If you've given your life to Jesus, you have the seal of eternal life because of what Jesus did for you on the Cross. Our hope is in Christ alone.

1. Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? Thank Him for salvation.

Prayer: God, if I know You, my soul is marked with Christ's bloodshed for me. Thank You.

כתבי הקודש

יום 22יום 24