Getting to Know the Prophetsדוגמה

Getting to Know the Prophets

יום 28 מתוך 30


Nehemiah and the Jewish people made progress together. He helped the community and honored God. In Nehemiah 4, we see he was met with resistance. Nehemiah 4:10 states, “the strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.”

They were halfway through the project when their momentum fizzled out. This unexpected dilemma did not find Nehemiah twiddling his thumbs. No, he employed a new strategy: He placed some at work, some as armed guards and one to sound the trumpet when it was time for battle, reminding them "our God will fight for us!" For the child of God who is facing a battle today, that might be the greatest encouragement. God is fighting for you! You are not alone in the struggle. And God is not at a loss as to his next move.

Nehemiah referenced his enemies’ schemes (Nehemiah 6:2). At times we face the Enemy’s schemes. May today be a reminder that the Enemy’s strength and his schemes are not to be feared. Instead, the Enemy should fear the strength of our victorious God. And, as his children, we, too, are victorious. What God put in Nehemiah’s heart to do, God helped him complete. He will do the same for you!

1. Is your strength dissipating and your discouragement mounting?

2. Is there a friend with whom you can link arms and pray?

Pray: Lord, help me rely on You and put strategies in place to combat burnout and disappointment.

יום 27יום 29