A Generous Life - Horizon Church March Bible Reading Planનમૂનો

A Generous Life - Live it Out
Ali Bonhomme
Living out a life of generosity is an adventure of faith and purpose as we engage with the calling to bless others and make a lasting impact. Our motivation for giving and generosity is borne out of a desire to honour the Lord as we love our neighbours as ourselves. And whilst we do not give for the purpose of receiving benefit, have you ever considered why it feels good to give and be part of something larger than yourself?
Giving has been shown to positively impact emotional wellbeing, with demonstrated neurobiological benefits to the giver. The ‘Happiness Trifecta’ of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin (Ritvo, 2014) are released when we participate in giving (Cuddy-Casey, 2025).
Dopamine production is part of our natural reward system and this “feel good” is part of our natural reward system. As dopamine is released in the process of giving it creates positive feelings and a rewarding experience. Serotonin impacts mood and its production is associated with both giving and gratitude. A “helper’s high” is the term given to describe the lifted mood and warmth from serotonin that comes over a giver when they give (Luk, 1998). And oxytocin is our natural antidote for managing stress and anxiety. When we are stressed we release cortisol, however oxytocin that is released when we perform kind acts such as giving protects our heart from the release of cortisol.
When it comes to living out a life of generosity, can I encourage you to consider three things:
- Give cheerfully. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”. 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV). To experience the wellbeing benefits of generosity, giving “should be within one’s means and of free will…it should not be done to relive guilt or out of a sense of obligation” (Cuddy-Casey, 2025).
- Give thoughtfully. The Amplified version of the above scripture states: “Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose]” (AMP). Even just thinking about giving has been shown to release positive neurochemicals, especially through the mesolimbic system. When we give, we have several opportunities to thoughtfully consider our giving - starting with engaging with the need (reading the Kingdom Advance magazine, watching the interviews, videos and presentations during this season), prayerfully considering your offering, and finally participating in the offering itself. Each step of this thoughtful process offers the chance for positive feelings to emerge.
- Give with heart. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart” (NKJV). When our hearts are purposefully connected to our giving, it’s no longer a duty or task, but an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the joyful act of giving. This enjoyable state, also known as “flow”, is positively associated with happiness and wellbeing. As my introductory line states, living a life of generosity requires acts of faith, however when we approach it with heart, aligned with the purposes of God, it can be the most magnificent adventure!
About this Plan

All throughout the Bible, we see the theme of generosity and the significant role it plays in the Christian life. But true generosity is about much more than just what we do with our money. Through this devotional, we will take a deeper look at how to live A Generous Life. Join us as we study how God defines generosity and challenge ourselves to live an open-handed life.