Opening the Road to the Kingdom of Godનમૂનો

• Both John and Jesus were interested in doing everything that God commanded them, regardless of others’ opinions or even what they themselves would have preferred.
• God makes no exception to the rules of THE KINGDOM, not even for His own Son.
• God’s words about Jesus at the Jordan River acknowledge His identity, relationship with, and obedience to God.
• His knowledge of the Word and the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT in His life made Jesus strong and victorious in the face of the temptations and trials posed by Satan.
• The first steps on the path of salvation: knowledge of the Word and being filled with the Holy Spirit! They will make you victorious in all circumstances of life and they will ensure your place in the KINGDOM OF GOD!
The site at the Jordan River was not only the meeting place for throughout JESUS’ life on earth, we will observe that He always sought to do God’s will completely. He is an example to every Christian, and to every one of His followers. He doesn’t ask us to do anything He didn’t do. As a man, He was subjected to all the temptations of life that we also encounter. He therefore understands us, empathizes with us, and intercedes for us before the Father every time we pray to Him in repentance and in humility. Immediately after His baptism in water, Satan went on the offense – something that will happen to everyone who makes a decision towards God. It is totally wrong to tell people that everything will be fine and wonderful if they return to God. JESUS was tempted in three ways:
1. Lust of the body. After His 40-day fast in the desert, JESUS was hungry, He needed food! Yes, JESUS could have made bread out of nothing and even proved it later. But never because of the Devil’s command!
2. Lust of pride, the boast of life. By jumping off the roof of the temple, God would save Him and He would not be harmed, proving that He is holy. Through that request, the devil was also tempting Him to test God’s honesty and faithfulness.
3. Lust of the eyes. Satan finally asked Him to bow before him, in exchange for the whole world and all its power, fame, and wealth!
JESUS knew and lived the Holy Word and that is how He overcame all of Satan’s attacks. Follow his example as a whole, studying and living the biblical Word, and you will have a victorious life here on this earth and in the end, you will get to be in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, at His side!
About this Plan

The Kingdom Of God is introduced to us by the very Son Of God. His name is Jesus and through Him we can be part of this forever Kingdom.