
It is your time.
It iIt is your time. Time for what? Two main things. First, it is your time to grow. It is always your time to grow. While you wait, it is time to pray. It is often said that prayer works on us and not on God. So, the more we spend time with God in prayer, the more mature we become. It is time for you to grow and develop your capacity. So that when your harvest comes, you can take it all in and retain it. When it is harvest time, you need to have maximized the waiting time and grown. What would have happened if God had answered Jabez’s prayer and he was not ready?
It is always your time to grow. Sometimes, God will allow difficulty in our lives so that we can grow in character. Romans 5:3-5 “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.” (NLT). God will sometimes take you through difficult paths while you wait because it is always your time to grow. Psalm 105:19 “Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.” (NLT). Like Joseph, it may not be time for the palace yet, but it is always your time to grow.
Luke 1:80 “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.” (KJV). This scripture outlines John, the Baptist’s growth process. John remained in the desert, waxing strong in spirit until the day of his showing to all of Israel. When the time came for his showing, he was ready. This is the difference between John, the Baptist and Joseph. Joseph showed himself to his brothers before developing the required inner strength.
Showing before growing can be costly, as we see in the story of Joseph. Joseph had to go through a hard path and grow with fetters and chains. But you will still show after you have grown. Choose to grow before you “show”. Choose to grow in “the wilderness” and not in prison.
Secondly, it is always your time to enjoy (have fun). Surprised? Many people are shocked to learn that it is God’s plan for us to have fun. Regardless of what you are going through or what season of life you are in, it is God’s will for you to have fun (enjoy life). Is this scriptural? John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” (AMPC). Profound! God wants you to enjoy life, pause and quietly meditate on this truth. It may not be time for “the palace”, but it is always your time.
Talk to God about today's readings your time. Time for what? Two main things, the first is, it is your time to grow. It is always your time to grow. Psalm 32:6. While you are waiting, it is time to pray. It is time for you to grow, so that when your harvest comes, you have the capacity to take it all in and retain it. When the time for the harvest comes, you have grown, you have maximized the waiting time. So, it is always your time to grow. Sometimes, God will allow some things to happen so that you can grow in character. God will allow you to go through some difficult paths while you wait, because it is always your time to grow. Like the case of Joseph, it may not be time for the palace yet, but it is always your time to grow.
Luke 1:80 Profound! The scripture outlines the process John went through. He was in the desert where he grew until the day of his showing to all Israel. When the time came for his showing, he had grown. That is the difference between John, the Baptist and Joseph. Joseph showed himself before he grew. On the other hand, John grew before he showed himself.
The key thing is if you show yourself before growing, you may have to grow with fetters and chains, like the Joseph example. However, you will still show after you have grown. You don’t show before you grow, you show after you grow. John, the Baptist grew first, then he was shown. So, you have a choice of where to grow. You can grow in the wilderness before you show. Or you can grow in the prison before you show. What will it be? Whichever way, you will grow.
If you are committed to God, and you stay loyal to God like Joseph and John were, you are going to fulfill your detiny. You do not shout, “I have a dream” before you grow. Grow first, then shout, “I have a dream”. It is always your time to grow.
Secondly, it is always your time to enjoy. This may surprise you, but it is so in God’s plan for you. Regardless of what you are going through, it is always your time to enjoy. Regardless of the season you are in, it is God’s will for you to have fun. Is that even scriptural? Philippians 4:4. God wants you to have fun regardless. It may not be time for the palace, but it is always your time.
Talk to God about today's reading
About this Plan

The concept of time is often challenging for us as human beings due to the way we are naturally wired. It is frequently misunderstood, leading to numerous misconceptions. This plan aims to broaden our understanding of time.