A Love Worth Sharing | Advent Sunday Devotional Seriesનમૂનો

A Love Worth Sharing: The Love That Surprises Us
Whatever God's people were expecting from Him two millennia ago, that's not what they were given.
They'd been waiting for centuries for a Messiah. They'd suffered under a succession of oppressive empires. They'd endured generations of disappointment and sorrow, waiting for a Salvation that seemed like it might never come.
And when it did arrive, hardly anyone noticed.
God chose Mary, a girl from a nowhere village, to be at the center of His Redemption Mission.
Then He chose the shepherds, outcasts who were ritually unclean and socially unacceptable, to be the first people to hear the News of Jesus' Birth.
God's Love pours in towards the neglected because that's where justice is needed.
Of course, the shepherds couldn't keep this News to themselves. After meeting with the Baby Jesus, they “spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.”
Ten-year-old Mathias and his mother, Tatiana, from Peru, have a story of unexpected love that's not quite as dramatic as the shepherds, but it's encouraged them with how much they're loved by God.
Mathias' biological father left when Tatiana told him she was pregnant. For a long time, it was a challenge just to get through each day. But after joining a Compassion project at their local church, Mathias and his mom found a source of encouragement and support. God's Love was poured out in the love from the pastor, tutors, and volunteers - and in surprising messages and prayers Mathias received from his sponsor. “My favorite part about going to the project is learning about God, as well as receiving letters from my sponsor, and reading that someone who doesn't know me is praying for me!” says Mathias.
The seemingly small gesture of sending Mathias messages of encouragement and prayer are working by God's Grace to build him up for the rest of his life. The sponsor gets to be part of the team who surround Mathias and his mom with love and support, demonstrating God's Faithful, Everlasting Love for them. What opportunity could you find to surprise someone with love today?
Let’s pray...
God of the Unexpected, help us to remember that Your Love is for everyone. Help us to think of creative and generous ways that we can share Your Love, especially with people who are marginalized and neglected. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
About this Plan

Christmas isn’t the destination of Advent – it's just the beginning. In collaboration with Compassion UK, Sammy Jabangwe shares a short devotional series which looks at the magnitude of God’s love shown through Jesus Christ. You'll get to see how God’s love creates, God’s love saves, and how God’s love leads as he calls us to share his love with others in all sorts of ways. This Advent, we invite you to consider: where will God’s love lead you?