DAY 5 OF 5

DAY 5 – The Power of the Church


Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

1 Peter 4:10 NIV “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”


I love the church. The church is not simply a building. It is people. You and I, we are the church. Scripture tells us that we are not created to do life alone. In fact, we are BETTER TOGETHER! We are created to do life with others, in community.

The church is God’s idea. His design. His Plan. When we stop and think about it, the church is an amazing place. It’s a place where people from all different ages, life stages, careers, upbringings, and cultural backgrounds come together to worship God, learn about the Word of God, and to fellowship with other believers. The church is a community of faith.

By ourselves, we can only do so much. Scripture tells us that one can put a thousand to flight, whereas two can put ten thousand to flight. Together, we can accomplish so much more. Together, we are stronger. One cord of rope by itself is weak, but three cords woven together can anchor a ship. Together, we can help and support one another. When we come together as the church, unified in Christ, we can be a powerful force. Together, with God, we can take ground for the Kingdom.

Just like in any team sport, every member has a part to play. The church is no different. We all have a part to play. We are to be involved in the church. We are to use the gifts and talents God has given us to bless the people around us. Make the choice to plant yourself in a local church. Be active. Be involved. Be a participant and not a spectator. Join a team. Run a connect or small group. Give generously.

We should have a desire to be in the house of God: to worship Him, to receive His Word, to fellowship with other like-minded people, and to serve the community around us. We are better together. You and I, we are the church.


·If the church is God’s idea, what do I need to do to plant myself in my local church?

·How can I use the gifts and talents God has given me to serve others in the church?


Jesus, thank You for Your church and the community You’ve given us. Strengthen our relationships and unite us so we can do more for Your kingdom. Thank You for the gifts and talents You have given us. Help us to use them to build Your church. Amen.

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About this Plan


We are called to be "More Than Conquerors" through Him who loved us. This 5-day devotional plan includes daily reflections, prayers, and scripture to deepen our faith. It covers topics such as discipline, the power of the Word, prayer, worship, and the church. By following this plan, you can expect to grow spiritually, develop a disciplined life, enhance your understanding of the Bible, and strengthen your prayer life.
