DAY 3 OF 5

‘Agree’ To Walk Together

“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3

The very fact that we are married is because we ‘agreed.’ The agreement is the very foundation of our marriage; we said ‘YES’ and ‘I DO’ at the altar, and thereafter, everything altered! We are no longer walking in agreement; we are finding it difficult to agree. Yet, unless we agree, we cannot live together.

Some say we are on a ‘different wavelength,’ ‘we are incompatible!’ There is no way we can agree and walk together. Such couples even end up in divorce for this reason (among several other reasons). The good news is that ‘the making us as One belongs to God.’ In Matthew 19:6, Jesus very clearly says, ‘Who therefore God has united, let no man separate.'

We believe agreement is a powerful way to become one. Agreement means that we agree with God and His Word individually before we agree with each other. This means that God plays a significant role in every decision we make.

So, getting into the habit of having fellowship with God is vital. Fellowship involves both speaking and listening. Listening to God both individually and as a couple is important. This would make agreement easier.

God will not speak one thing to one person and another thing to the other. He will never cause confusion. Receiving different answers indicates that one of us is not properly listening to God. Walking together in agreement is a lifelong journey.

Do Not Agree for Wrong Reasons:

We read in Acts chapter 5 that Ananias, with his wife's knowledge, kept some money back and gave only a part of it as an offering. When Peter asked him, he lied and immediately fell down dead. In this incident, Sapphira was a silent spectator – she could have stopped her husband from cheating, but sadly, she too agreed to tell the same lie, and as a result, she lost her life, too. Peter asked a pertinent question, “Why is it that you have agreed together to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test?” (Acts 5:9). In agreeing to speak lies regarding the spiritual things of life, we are putting the Spirit of the Lord to test. The Word of God clearly warns us - “You shall not put the LORD your God to the test..." (Deuteronomy 6:16).

When a decision is made to do something unwanted or wrong, one of us, either the husband or the wife, should boldly rise up to stop it. Abigail did not yield to her husband Nabal’s foolish behavior. She appeased King David and thus saved her life and all that belonged to her (1 Samuel 25).

As husband and wife, when our spirits are aligned with God, our soul (mind, will, and emotions) will also experience the oneness. We can become single-minded, not necessarily the same, but we will be united to do God’s will and purpose. Soon, we will blend together in unity.

Each time we agree as husband and wife, our oneness is strengthened, our trust in each other is strengthened, and our faith in God will also be strengthened. Agreement pushes aside the spirit of strife and welcomes the peace of God. Children feel secure in this atmosphere.

Agreement creates oneness!

Prayer: Dear Father, we believe that you want us to agree in order to walk together in our lives as husband and wife. Help us read and know Your Word to agree only on things You would approve of. Help us be bold enough to stand against anything that would displease You. We believe the agreement will create oneness in our relationship. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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About this Plan


“God has joined together” (Matthew 19:6), and “the two shall become one” (Genesis 2:24). The Word of God emphasizes the ‘Oneness’ between husband and wife as fundamental to marriage. However, man and woman cannot become one by their self-efforts. We need skills inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, not worldly wisdom. Join us as we explore God's Word on 'Oneness.'
