
We often feel as though we are missing the mark because we give other people’s opinion of us the governing vote on how we are doing in life. If we can somehow get people to “like” our highlights on the Internet, then we can fool ourselves into believing they like our whole life.
If we can get friends and strangers on the Internet to love where we vacation, then we feel as though we are somebody special for 24 hours until another one of our friends posts a better vacation spot. Inevitably, we continue to hand the measuring stick of success to other people, some of whom we don’t even know and will never talk to. The only way to stop caring about what people think of you is by giving the measuring stick to God.
I believe Jesus gives us a phenomenal way to measure our lives. He does so by describing the Kingdom of God using a parable in Matthew 25.
In this parable, Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to a manager who gave to his servants “each according to his ability.” Here’s why this is really good news for you and me: It means we never have to compare what we have received with what anyone else has. It means whatever you were given is exactly what God thinks you can be trusted with at this time in your life.
You might want a spouse. How do you treat your family, friends and current relationships God has already given you? You might want more money. How are you stewarding what you already have?
We could easily measure our success or failure by our education or lack thereof, bank account, job title, relationship status, or social media followers, but God isn’t measuring your life by any of those standards. He’s measuring your life by seeing what you can be trusted with.
Accepting this truth frees you from being offended by people who don’t think you’re being or doing enough. Don’t believe the lie that you will be good enough if and when you have a higher degree, six figures in the bank, CEO on the business card, happily married, or averaging 100 likes per post. Strangers on the Internet don’t get to decide if you are a success or a failure. God does.
About this Plan

The strategy of the enemy is to put distance between us and the people we love the most, one offense at a time. UnOffendable is an outline of how God can use the things in life that have hurt us the most, to shape our confidence and help us become the people we’ve always wanted to be. Being unoffendable isn’t about never getting offended. It’s about not staying offended.