How to LOVE Your ENEMY.નમૂનો

How to LOVE Your ENEMY.

DAY 3 OF 4

Pray For Your Enemy

Last time we looked at how living in Jesus’ economy of righteousness can help us live with respect for others and avoid being offended by others’ actions.

Today, let’s go one step further and explore how we’re called not just to “turn the other cheek” to our enemies, but to actively love them, and even pray for them.

That’s right, we’re going old school in the Old Testament with Daniel!

In many instances, when faced with a conflict, our initial reaction is to attempt to resolve the matter by engaging in a rational conversation. But what if your enemy is unreasonable? What if your enemy is like King Darius in Daniel 6 who displays tyrannical qualities? Reasoning with someone like that is an exercise in futility. It’s his way or the highway! Or in Daniel’s case, it’s his way or the lions’ den.

That’s why Jesus said to pray for your enemies. Sometimes the only natural response, the only way we can love our enemies, the only way we can show love to that unreasonable, tyrannical local that just spent the last 15 minutes hurling insults at you from a dizzying height… is to pray for them.

Jesus said: “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbour’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you. In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven…… If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much.” (Matthew 5:43)

God can work through your prayers to change others’ hearts, to open them up to His Spirit and make them more loving and compassionate.

But even more noticeable is the change that can happen in your heart as you pray for your enemies and those who treat you poorly.

Praying for your enemies can help shift your attitude and perspective towards them. It encourages empathy, compassion, and forgiveness while also creating opportunities for reconciliation.

In fact, your radical love toward those who don’t love you will become the characteristic that sets you apart.

When God introduced Himself to the Israelites, He said: “Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations..” (Exodus 34:6 - 7).

Praying for that local who burns you just for fun, is our way of mirroring God: Compassionate. Gracious. Slow to anger.


Do you struggle at times to manage your anger? Is there someone in your life who burns you for fun? Or maybe just someone you’re struggling to get along with? How can you show radical love or pray for them today?


Lord, prompt me to pray for others today. May your Spirit be at work within them to see more of You, and may You be changing my heart as well, to be more compassionate, more gracious, and slower to anger. Amen.

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About this Plan

How to LOVE Your ENEMY.

When someone takes a shot at you, it’s instinct to fire back – in the line-up and in life. Jesus’ teaching to “love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you” is completely counter-cultural, but… is it also the way to gain God’s favour? Join Christian Surfers’ communications manager, Cyle Myers to discover how you can love your enemy… and the unexpected blessings that flow from that decision.
