From Anxiety to Abiding: 7 Days to Peaceનમૂનો

From Anxiety to Abiding: 7 Days to Peace

DAY 7 OF 7

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Psalm 23:1-2

Thank you for joining me on this journey! God walked me through such powerful examples of anxiety, in order to help me share this information with you. It made such an impact in my own life, and I hope it does for yours as well. He is such a loving, gracious, and generous Father, and I’m glad He’s led you here.

As we wrap up the week together, I am going to lead you through a Mindful meditation that focuses on gratitude for the ways we are made, the way our bodies are wired for survival, and the ways God heals, rescues, and attends to our needs. Gratitude is our antidote to fear and anxiety. We have learned so much about how our physical, emotional, and spiritual self works together, and this practice is intended to include our whole self as we commune (meet with) God.

If you have found these practices to be helpful, you can access more just like this Here. I offer “guided wellness walks”, where I use mindfulness (just like you’ve practiced here), prayer, and a message from the Bible to help us integrate our whole being into our daily lives, and into union and healing with God.

Friends, this is abiding–resting in the comfort of our Father. Whether we are facing a real or perceived threat, we can approach our Father in our need, and He will provide a rescue (a way out), His comfort and love (protection and covering), and rest.

By practices like activating the vagus nerve, focusing our minds on our senses and the world around us, and declaring the Truth against the lies we hear and feel, we guide our whole self into resting in our faithful Shepherd. We go from anxious to abiding, with tangible, real tools, that guide our whole self back into the resting arms of God. I hope you also see that if God were to just take away your anxiety, like many of us pray, He would have to remove a vital part of your protection system, a system He clothed you with in the beginning, as well as take away a part of you that signals you to reach out to Him.

These skills and prayers and ways of thinking take ongoing practice, and there is no ‘perfect’ here. In fact, the only maker of ‘perfect’, is the Father, the giver of ‘Perfect Peace’. As you aid your body and mind and heart into the place of abiding, you will find that He meets you there and takes your willingness, your trying, and multiplies it tenfold. We can rely on Him every time we seek Him, every time we choose Him over grasping for protection, every time we choose Him over hiding.

Remember His words:

“Seek first the kingdom (and the One who rules there), and He will give you everything you need…And don’t worry about tomorrow. (Mat. 6:33-34).

“I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give (so don’t look there, don’t reach for that tree). So don’t be troubled or afraid.” –Jesus, John 14:27.

It’s available, He is available! If we would have the bravery and courage to move toward Him, instead of letting anxiety move us.

Parenting Tip: Teach your kids to be grateful by thanking God for everything they love! Gratitude is the antidote against fear. Pray over your children and the healing and protection over their bodies and systems, especially in the anxiety they experience. Using the tools this week will help give them language to their experiences, which automatically lessens the fear and worry, and even bodily experiences, of anxiety.

Great job, Parents! You’re investing in the well-being of your child, and of yourself. Keep it up.

Mindfulness & Gratitude

Start by getting comfortable and grounded (supported by the earth or floor beneath you, with either the soles of your feet or your sit bones touching the ground).

We’ll begin with breathing: In through your nose (1, 2, 3) and out through your mouth (1, 2, 3). Repeat this at least 5 times, and try to get a deeper breath each time.

We breathe IN the life and light of God, the love of God for us, and we breathe OUT any anxiety, fear, and worry. In doing this, we release to you, Jesus, everyone and everything. We let go of the world, we let go of all the things we cannot control.*

Now, let’s tune in to the world around us, with the 5 senses:

Describe what you can Feel, Touch, See, Hear, Smell, and Taste (if applicable).

Father, how I love Your creation. Thank you for the birds of the air and the sounds they make. Thank you for the seasons and all they bring, for colors of leaves and new flowers and buds. Thank you for gardens and how they grow from nothing into sustenance and my favorite foods. Thank you for the sun and how it encompasses the entire planet, warms it and brings it to life.

Now, let’s tune in to the inside. How is your heart beat? Your breath? What thoughts are trying to intrude?

Thank you, Father, for the way You created me, that my systems work together perfectly, for a system that can tell me when danger is near. Thank you for making me in your Wisdom, and knowing what I would need. Thank you for the breath in my lungs and the heart that beats inside me. Thank you for all the ways I can see, smell, taste, touch, and hear the world around me, and experience those I love. I pray for healing over my body, for health to return to this perfect system You made.

Finally, we declare Truth over it all.

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I declare that You have loved me from the beginning. That You have sought me in my hiding, and clothed me with perfect righteousness. When I stand before You, You do not see the label of anxiety or anxious, or broken, or wrong, or unloveable. You see me in right-standing with You; You see me as worthy of Love, for Your Son has paid the full and complete price and I am grateful. You see me, Father, and You have healing intended for me, complete restoration over my body.


*Wild at Heart Ministries, The Pause App


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About this Plan

From Anxiety to Abiding: 7 Days to Peace

We can feel like our anxiety consumes us, but this 7 day guide and devotional teaches you how your anxiety actually cues you to connect with God, and how that union brings restoration to your whole self.
