Got Change?નમૂનો

Today, the word submission has derived a sort of negative connotation. Everyone wants the freedom to do as they will, without having to be subject to any authority. What we fail to realize is that God has appointed authority and order for a purpose, and when this is ignored or rebelled against, chaos ensues. Lucifer was cast away from God's presence because of his rebellion towards the ultimate authority of God.
Look around you, children are walking in disobedience and defiance to their parents, marriages are breaking down, corruption and dissension arise in the ranks of corporate bodies and governments, and churches are falling apart. Why? If we look into the deeper issue, we would see that it stems from the unwillingness to submit to the appointed authority. Because somehow along the way, we all have been convinced that submission is a sign of weakness. But this is the will of God!
Fathers and husbands are God-appointed to be in authority at home and the family follows him as he leads like Christ. It is a loving authority that does not flow out of human fear or domination but out of reverence for Christ.
Leaders have been instituted as spiritual authorities in churches so that people can be shepherded to walk in the godly way of life. We must obey them and submit to them for they keep watch over us, as those who will have to give an account. We must do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden. We are called to submit to the secular and government authorities. Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.
The authorities instituted over us are not perfect. Apostle Peter calls us to submit to those in authority even when they cause unjust suffering to us. David submitted to King Saul even though his life was in danger. But to what extent should I submit? Submit even to the point of death as Jesus did to obey the will of the Father. But we submit not to break the ultimate authority of God, his will and his commands. Daniel refused to submit to the king's order of bowing before his image as it was against God's will for him to bow before any man or idol. Let God set in order the institutions of our marriages, families, churches and cause us to be one for the world to know Him.
The CHALLENGE to Change:
What is our attitude? As an authority am I loving and making it easy for people to willingly submit or am I domineering and demanding submission? As one who is to submit to authority, am I willingly submitting irrespective of a loving or hard authority or am I rebelling against them which in turn is to rebel against God?
Today, the word submission has derived a sort of negative connotation. Everyone wants the freedom to do as they will, without having to be subject to any authority. What we fail to realize is that God has appointed authority and order for a purpose, and when this is ignored or rebelled against, chaos ensues. Lucifer was cast away from God's presence because of his rebellion towards the ultimate authority of God.
Look around you, children are walking in disobedience and defiance to their parents, marriages are breaking down, corruption and dissension arise in the ranks of corporate bodies and governments, and churches are falling apart. Why? If we look into the deeper issue, we would see that it stems from the unwillingness to submit to the appointed authority. Because somehow along the way, we all have been convinced that submission is a sign of weakness. But this is the will of God!
Fathers and husbands are God-appointed to be in authority at home and the family follows him as he leads like Christ. It is a loving authority that does not flow out of human fear or domination but out of reverence for Christ.
Leaders have been instituted as spiritual authorities in churches so that people can be shepherded to walk in the godly way of life. We must obey them and submit to them for they keep watch over us, as those who will have to give an account. We must do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden. We are called to submit to the secular and government authorities. Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.
The authorities instituted over us are not perfect. Apostle Peter calls us to submit to those in authority even when they cause unjust suffering to us. David submitted to King Saul even though his life was in danger. But to what extent should I submit? Submit even to the point of death as Jesus did to obey the will of the Father. But we submit not to break the ultimate authority of God, his will and his commands. Daniel refused to submit to the king's order of bowing before his image as it was against God's will for him to bow before any man or idol. Let God set in order the institutions of our marriages, families, churches and cause us to be one for the world to know Him.
The CHALLENGE to Change:
What is our attitude? As an authority am I loving and making it easy for people to willingly submit or am I domineering and demanding submission? As one who is to submit to authority, am I willingly submitting irrespective of a loving or hard authority or am I rebelling against them which in turn is to rebel against God?
About this Plan

We keep talking about change, how much this world needs it. True change is not brought about by the formation of new laws, rather by the transformation of each one’s life. You will find in this Plan a reminder for each day of an area we need to change in and grow, prompting us into Christ likeness and becoming the change this world needs to see and emulate. So…..Got Change?
સંબંધિત યોજનાઓ


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