Taste & Seeનમૂનો

Taste & See

DAY 7 OF 7

The Final and Forever Feast

The praises from the saints and elders roar through heaven like the crashing of mighty waves upon the shore. “Hallelujahs” peal through the bright sunless sky as the redeemed from every tribe, tongue, and nation gather to celebrate this most joyous occasion. The bridegroom has come for his bride, and she is ready. Her wedding day has finally come and her wait is over.

Though this feast is yet to be, it far exceeds the size and scope of all the others and will bring ultimate satisfaction to all who are invited. It's the marriage supper of the lamb, and it's the grandest wedding celebration of all eternity.

To understand the vision John received and described in Revelation 19, it’s helpful to understand that he was drawing from the distinct phases of an ancient Jewish wedding. These phases were the betrothal, the presentation of the bride, and finally the ceremony and celebration of the marriage.

The betrothal was the first stage in which the bridegroom would pay a dowry or a bride price for his bride. At that point, in the eyes of the law, the couple were legally married, even though the couple lived apart and the marriage had not yet been consummated.

During the betrothal period, the bridegroom would go back to his father’s house, to make his home ready for his bride. At some unknown time to the bride, the bridegroom would come and snatch her away to be married. After the ceremony, and the consummation of their marriage, there would be a week-long feast to celebrate the new marriage.

What happens in Revelation 19, is at the end of the age, and the last phases of the wedding. At the cross, Christ paid the dowry for his bride, and the marriage covenant was established. Phase one is complete, and we live in that gap between the betrothal and the celebration. We’re waiting for Christ’s return for his bride when he snatches her away, and feasts with her forever.

Someday, when we share in this heavenly feast, we’ll know God’s redemptive story has come full circle. What was lost in the paradise of Eden will be restored in the paradise of Heaven. The first Adam who ate the forbidden fruit, and separated mankind from feasting and fellowshiping with God, will be restored by the second Adam, Jesus, at his marriage supper table. Our desert wanderings will finally be over, and we’ll enter our heavenly Promised Land.

Do you want to be invited to this wedding feast? The very last verses of the Bible are an invitation for you to come. Are you tired, thirsty, and hungry for satisfaction that only he provides? There are many places that promise fulfillment, but only one Source that truly satisfies. He stands at the door and knocks. He promises to come in and eat with you.

“The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!”

If you’re thirsty, “Come!”

If you’re hungry, “Come!”

He’s coming soon so, “Come!”

You’re invited to this feast. Oh, come, taste, and see that the Lord is good! You’ll never hunger or thirst again, and he’ll be the satisfaction of your life. Sola Deo Gloria!

Food for Thought

  1. How does considering this final and forever feast make you hungry to know him more?
  2. Once we’re in the presence of God in heaven, we’ll experience what Adam and Eve had in the garden, before the fall; perfect fellowship with our Creator, and ultimate satisfaction in his presence. How does this change your perspective on the things that bring you satisfaction now? How do you think you’ll feel about those things someday in heaven?
  3. Will you be at this wedding feast? You don’t have to wonder or hope, you can have assurance that you’ll be there. Repent of your sin, and place your faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross, and you can be counted as those who are “blessed” to be invited. (Romans 10:9-10).

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About this Plan

Taste & See

Meals nourish us both body and soul. In this 7-day series, you’ll visit various tables in the Bible and discover what they say about our spiritual hunger and thirst. From that fateful bite in the garden to the final feast in Revelation, satisfaction comes from a right relationship with our Creator. You’re invited to a feast. Pull up a chair and taste and see that the Lord is good.
