

DAY 6 OF 7


For the most part of my childhood, I had 20/20 vision. I had always had good eyesight throughout my entire schooling life. However, when I started to go to university and work full time, my life was surrounded by screens. Slowly but surely the constant readjusting from screen to screen, coupled with the amount of time spent on screens, began to take a toll on my vision. Only when I was driving did I start to notice that I could not read the detail on the road signs from a long distance away. So I went to the optometrist who tested my eyes, and I discovered that I needed glasses.

After waiting a few weeks, I finally received the call from my optometrist. The new glasses had arrived. I will never forget the feeling of putting those glasses on for the first time. Immediately, there it was, a whole new world. The blurry became clear. The fuzzy became precise. I could see every leaf on every tree; I could see the detail of gravel on the street; I could see every wrinkle on my hand. It was like I was seeing for the first time!

Although I always had my sight, I wasn’t really seeing. My eyes worked, but not to their fullest potential. This picture of seeing clearly after a life of blur is the same picture of what happens when someone gives their life to Jesus and is born again. Technically they had always been alive, but now they start living. Suddenly everything becomes clear. Everything begins to make sense. Everything has a new sense of purpose. Everything starts to take on a new meaning.

John 10 reminds us that Jesus came to bring life to the full. Some translations say that Jesus brings abundant life, a full life, a rich life, and a satisfying life. But my favorite version of this verse is found in the Message version. This says that Jesus came so that we may have REAL LIFE, eternal life, a life that is more, and is better than anything we can ever dream of.

For some of us, the reality of our lives is that we are dead on the inside. Many people live without hope, without joy, and without peace. Jesus offers REAL LIFE—a life that is better than anything we can ask, think, or imagine. But real life starts with RESURRENDER.

I love what Paul writes in Galatians 2: "I have been crucified with Christ. It’s no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me." When we surrender, we die to our self. We are crucified with Christ. Our old ways are gone. Our old life is dead. It is no longer we who live, but it’s actually Christ who lives in us. The same Christ who is full of life, who brings life and who IS life, is the same Christ who lives in us.

The reason why the power of resurrender is life is because when we die to ourselves, we truly come to life. Who we were really meant to be comes alive. Vision comes alive. Purpose comes alive. Destiny comes alive. This whole time we thought we were living our best life by going clubbing, drinking, taking drugs, and sleeping around. But none of this is real life because all of it leads to emptiness and dissatisfaction.

It’s counter intuitive to think that death brings life. But this is true with a seed. For a seed to germinate, the seed needs to die. In the same way, for us to experience real life, it all starts with a death, and death starts with surrender. God wants you to experience life, and not just any life. REAL life! My prayer for you today is that you would pick up the glasses, surrender yourself, and see the real life that God has for you.


  1. What are some of the areas in your past that eventually led to emptiness and dissatisfaction?
  2. What needs to die in your life, for you to step into the calling that God has for you?
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About this Plan


In a world that is self-focused, self-centred, and selfish, God calls us to live a life that is selfless. Real discipleship is all about denying yourself, taking up your cross, and following Him. Although the cost of salvation is nothing, the cost of discipleship is everything. Join us for a 7-day devotional as we learn the art of RESURRENDER.
