Thru the Bible—Revelationનમૂનો

Thru the Bible—Revelation

DAY 26 OF 28

Eternity Unveiled

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We leave the earth now to explore our new home in heaven. Heaven is a very definite, actual place. You will have an address there.

With the long view of eternity in front of us, we move to a new existence. Revelation 21 is about new things: a new heaven, a new earth, a New Jerusalem, a new era, and the eternal life as the Lamb’s bride where we will be new creations in Christ Jesus. A new universe suggests new methods and approaches to life. New laws will regulate the new universe. Our entire lifestyle will change. There will be a total absence of sin, temptation, and testing in this new creation—that alone will make a radical difference. It is impossible for our minds to comprehend the great transformations that will take place in a new creation.

The universe will look different. There will be no sun to give light, for God Himself will supply it directly to the universe. The presence of Christ and God, together with the throne of God made visible, ushers in a new day for man—the new creation.

The Lord Jesus Himself teaches this present creation will pass away in order to make room for a new heaven and a new earth (see Matthew 24:35).

The New Jerusalem

Very little is said in Scripture about heaven—so let’s look closely at what is said in Revelation 21: “I … saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

The New Jerusalem is likely where we, the bride of Christ, will live. Not to be identified with the earthly Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem is a planet within itself.

The New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, won’t be another satellite for the earth, but rather the opposite—the earth and all the new creation with all of the galactic systems will revolve around the New Jerusalem, because it’s the dwelling place of God and of Jesus Christ. Likely the law of gravity will be radically revised.

New Era

John’s eyewitness reporting tells us next of a great voice from the throne announcing that God will live with us. He’ll pitch His tent next to ours. He’ll essentially move into the neighborhood, making His home with men and women. We’re his people; He’s our God. We’ll no longer experience things like sorrow, pain, and death. God promises to wipe every tear from our eyes.

In our new bodies, we will thirst after God and the things of God, and they will be satisfied, just like Jesus said they would in His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:6). He promises that those who overcome the world by faith will inherit these things (see Romans 8:16-17). John wrote about this same victory in his first letter (1 John 5:4). To the one who overcomes, Jesus also said He will be his God and he will be His son (see also John 1:12). This relationship is more than just being God’s people; this is a unique and more glorious relationship (see 1 John 3:2).

This new and amazing creation of new heavens and a new earth did not affect the lake of fire and the destination of those who rejected Christ. They are eternally separated from God, and nothing is as fearful and frightful as that. Sin will never break over the barriers into the new heavens and the new earth. Sin and its potential are forever shut out of the new creation.

What will our new home look like? We will be amazed!

Next: A look at the architectural blueprint of the New Jerusalem.

1. How would you describe a new world with a total absence of sin and temptation?

2. For eternity, believers will live in close communion and relationship with Christ. When you are struggling and discouraged, could this thought help you endure? What else about this view of eternity gives you hope?

3. A new world might be hard to comprehend, but imagine the possibilities. What wonderful ideas might our Creator have in store for us? What can you dream of for this new world?

Additional Resources

Listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s complete teaching on Revelation 21:2-5.

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About this Plan

Thru the Bible—Revelation

Revelation is God’s grand finale—His final Word to mankind—but it’s really just the beginning. If you’ve thought Revelation is complicated with all its symbolism, let veteran Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee walk you through this organized, prophetic book in 28 lessons. You’ll see God’s magnificent master plan unfold and everything point to Jesus Christ as the author of creation and fulfiller of all His promises.
