Thru the Bible—Revelationનમૂનો

Thru the Bible—Revelation

DAY 10 OF 28

When the Seven Seals Open

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

From the heavenly worship scene, our tour guide, John, now shifts from heaven to earth.

So what happens on earth after the church leaves? That’s the subject of Revelation 6—18. The seven-sealed book is opened (Revelation 6—8) by Jesus who is the only One worthy, the only One who has the authority to open it. He breaks the seals, the four horses ride out, and the Tribulation begins.

We need to get a big picture of the entire Tribulation before we dive into the details. The seven seals in the book are like an umbrella over the entire period. The first six seals will be open in turn and the judgments will come out. Between the sixth and seventh seals, there’s a pause, and John either explains something or answers specific questions. Then, within the seventh seal, judgment is announced with seven trumpets. The same pattern follows—six trumpets are sounded, a pause, then within the seventh trumpet, seven bowls of wrath are introduced. The entire process fits within the seals.

Sometimes we’ll see the scene from heaven, but most of this happens on earth. Certain factors increase the intensity and the ferocity of the Great Tribulation:

First, keep in mind the Holy Spirit will not restrain evil. He will still be in the world, but His role changes. Mankind will now have its day, along with Satan. Satan knows God is only giving him free reign for a short time, but during that period the Antichrist will be able to take over this earth. On this scene, God will execute direct judgment. His day of wrath is come; who is able to face God and stand before the wrath of the Lamb (see Revelation 6:17)?

The Great Tribulation will not break suddenly like a great tornado, but the opening of the seven seals is gradual, one at a time in a logical and chronological order giving an overall picture of that seven-year period. The Lord Jesus Christ is in full charge, and every creature in heaven moves at His command. He takes the seven-sealed book, breaks the first seal, and in order the four horsemen ride out, introducing the Great Tribulation.

The first six seals describe the events of the first three and a half years, and the last seal, the seventh, details the second half.

Opening the First Seal: A rider on a white horse (vv. 1-2) of victory comes out conquering. This is the Antichrist, the one who pretends to be the Lord. He doesn’t appear as a villain; he won’t look dark or have horns or red eyes. He’ll be the most attractive man around and will promise world unity. Nobody will care if he comes from heaven or hell; the world wants peace at any price. They’ll elect him with cheers and will think they’re entering the Millennium, but it’s actually the Great Tribulation.

Opening the Second Seal: A rider on a red horse (vv. 3-4) of bloodshed comes out and covers the earth with war and violence. The Antichrist’s counterfeit peace is short-lived. He’ll be revealed as a phony and a real world-war begins.

Opening the Third Seal: A rider on a black horse (vv. 5-6) pictures Death itself covering the earth in a worldwide famine (see Lamentations 4:8-9; Jeremiah 4:28; Malachi 3:14). The working man will not be able to support his family, but the luxuries of the rich will still flow.

Opening the Fourth Seal: A rider on a pale horse (vv. 7-8)—on this fourth horse, a sickly color, Death comes riding in. The sword, famine, a pandemic, and wild animals will decimate the earth’s population by 25% (see also Ezekiel 14:21). Nothing will be able to stop this pale horse, death.

Jesus tells us that the days had to be shortened or else no one would survive (Matthew 24:22). These four horsemen fulfill what Jesus already told us about in His sermon on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24:5-8; John merely widens it out with additional information. This is the opening of the Great Tribulation.

Next: Why is God doing this?

1. What do you think the world will be like during the Tribulation, with the Holy Spirit no longer restraining evil? Are there places where you see Him restraining evil today?

2. Why would God need to judge the world rather than just forgiving everyone?

3. How should seeing all the judgment coming for our world change the way we think about those around us who may not know Christ?

Additional Resources

Listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s complete teaching on Revelation 6:1 and Revelation 6:1-8.

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About this Plan

Thru the Bible—Revelation

Revelation is God’s grand finale—His final Word to mankind—but it’s really just the beginning. If you’ve thought Revelation is complicated with all its symbolism, let veteran Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee walk you through this organized, prophetic book in 28 lessons. You’ll see God’s magnificent master plan unfold and everything point to Jesus Christ as the author of creation and fulfiller of all His promises.
