Who Is God?નમૂનો

Who Is God?

DAY 4 OF 15

The Second Adam

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Video Transcript:

Have you ever wondered what it felt like to Jesus when He accepted the body and the limitations of becoming a human baby? It’s impossible for us to fully understand or think that through, but we know it was a huge change, right?! One minute He was God, and He had no beginning and end. He was keeping the whole universe in perfect balance, and He had all knowledge, and the ability to be everywhere at one time. And then the next, He’s growing inside the womb of a human woman! Wow! Then He’s born in an animal's feeding trough, right, physically dependent on others to take care of Him!

The whole thing is just a little shocking. Really—why would God do that? Why did that need to happen? Humanity desperately needed saving but… why didn't God just do something different? Why didn’t He just declare a fresh start and make everyone clean by some part of His divine power? It’s a mystery.

But, 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 helps us understand it a little bit better when it says this…

So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.

Because the world rebelled through the sin of Adam, a human person, it also had to be redeemed by a human person. No other human could lead that kind of life like Jesus did—a sinless life. God came to us in human form and took up that challenge. Where Adam failed, Christ succeeded.

He was the Second Adam. And, as the Second Adam, Jesus removed our curse by living a perfect life and becoming the sacrifice that paid for our sins. And He came to understand—by firsthand experience—all of the struggles that living as a human in a broken world comes with. And that means He’s just the kind of Savior that we need—the kind who knows what we go through as humans. He knows what it’s like to be tempted. He knows what it’s like to be harassed and betrayed and abandoned and treated unfairly. He knows what it’s like to be hungry. He knows what it’s like to be sad and to grieve, to feel pain. And, everything we face—He gets it! He gets you!

And isn’t that so good of God? Let’s thank Him right now. Let’s thank Him. You thank Him…

Lord, You are Maker of Heaven and earth—the stars—everything in it, yet You faced the same struggles that I face. You uphold the universe, yet You sacrificed Yourself in human form. You died so we could go free. You were raised up so that I could be raised into a new life. And, even though You are God of the Heavens and the earth, You understand all the trials of my life, big and small. Thank You, Lord. Thank You for saving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen!

Jesus did what Adam couldn’t do, and He understands you right now.

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Who Is God?

It happens to us all. Conflicting messages cloud our vision. Pain and suffering wear our faith thin. Whether you've been following Him for a few days or a few years, we understand how easy it is to lose sight of who God truly is. Join us on a 15-day journey into the character of God. Be reminded how glorious He is, and how much He cares for you.
