Filled With Gratitudeનમૂનો

Filled With Gratitude

DAY 3 OF 5

Lip Service Only?

Calling Him Lord and Master is only lip service if our lives are not living it beyond the worship service.

We all like to be appreciated. We work hard on our music, prepare our teams, and do everything we can to facilitate a great service. It’s not too much to expect some gratitude from someone. But when it doesn't come our way, how do we feel?

It’s funny, but in my experience and probably yours, most people say the unexpected. It can be revealed as a critique rather than a positive encouragement. We do the same. Think of how many times you may not thank your waiter, clerk at the grocery store, or someone in customer service over the phone. No matter, it takes those two familiar words we all like to hear that makes all the difference when someone says: “thank you.”

Can you imagine how Jesus felt after he healed the ten? Here we have the scene in ‪‎Luke 17‬:15-18:‬‬‬‬ One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?”

The shocker of this passage, of course, is that only one out of the ten was grateful and showed his thanks/praise to Jesus – a Samaritan no less, healed by a Jew. But this alone is not the gut-puncher. If you go back to the beginning of this story at verse 13 we see here: “They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!’”

First, they call Him ‘Master’; second, he heals them; and, third, they leave Him. You would think that if anyone were to declare Jesus as ‘Master,’ there would be some follow-through of homage and reverence. But in the mirror image, that’s just like us too. We call Him Lord and yet we walk away after the miracle. He is so patient and so forgiving.

Worship can be the same way. We sing the songs, pray the prayers, and walk away like nothing happened. So where does the worship go? Was it even authentic from the beginning to call Him Master? What happens when we step back into the Monday through Saturday?

We spend time in worship, prayer, and study, but are we doing it to get something or to give something?

God wants our gratitude. He doesn’t need a pretty song or a polished service. He wants our repentance and will so he can retune our lives to His purity. Sad to say, but this is not popular, as we live in a world today that says, “Look what I’ve done for God” or “Look how good we can do church!”

Is God really looking for what we can do for Him, or is He looking for something we give thanks for Him? Especially in the times when we don’t get the answer we hope, we are to be grateful because He already knows our needs - His grace is sufficient.

Prayer for today:

To You, O Christ, we praise You with a full heart. We worship You with a sincere spirit of gratitude. The purpose of our worship is not to speak eloquent words, but to bring You worth and honor that is due unto Your Name. Give us a full heart of assurance, that we never have to look further than a whisper to be reminded that Your presence is near. In all things, Your grace, hope, love, and joy are sufficient for our needs. Help us to walk in faithfulness this day, and may the fruit of our lips bring You praise. – Amen.


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