Bold and Beautiful IIનમૂનો

Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a decision, not knowing which is the right choice? Or, do you ever feel as though you’re in the center of life, unsure of which way is up or what direction to go? It’s a common recurring theme that can feel as though life is living you rather than you living life.
As women of faith, we know we can only rely on one true source—Jesus Christ and His Word. But how do we discern what information is wise or accurate and what information is not? Let’s be honest, it’s hard trying to figure out who and what to trust in our world today. But here’s the good news—God lays out all of the answers we need to know in His Playbook, the Bible.
In His great sense of humor and power to make a point, God chose things the world considers foolish to shame those who think they are wise (1 Cor 1:27). The wisdom from above is pure, peace-loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. So, when we seek wisdom and truth for God, His Word, and His Spirit, we are learning how to discern what’s good and what’s not. It’s the same principle as fueling our bodies for competition. Is it wise to eat a big, greasy meal before an event? Probably not. We have the wisdom to know that it will negatively affect our bodies and performance if we do. When we want to ensure success on our field of play, we know we need to fuel our bodies with healthy, wholesome food. The same principle can be applied to who and what we listen to.
Another part of wisdom comes from obeying God. When we read about fearing the Lord, it means loving and respecting Him and aligning with Him in obedience. When we align ourselves with God and His wisdom, we know we can trust ourselves to boldly make decisions because we are connected to His Spirit. You are wise when you tap into that Spirit; you are wise because His Spirit lives in you.
Have you ever felt backlash or pressure in doing the right thing (showing wisdom) in your sport or life? What did that look like? How did you feel?
It’s amazing what we can do when we tap into the wisdom that God has given. This wisdom can help us lead our teams, raise our families, or run our organizations. The next time you feel doubt and fear about life and what direction you should go, or question your abilities, remember that YOU ARE WISE because of God’s Spirit living in you. You always have access to more and more wisdom. You need only ask.
Talk About It:
As teammates, you can help each other learn the Truth about who you are as God’s daughters. The theory that there’s strength in numbers is supported in Scripture—starting with the Father Himself as One of Three—and it certainly applies to you in your quest to embrace who you really are. By joining forces with your teammates, you can multiply your strength and resources in the battle for your souls. As a group, let’s work through the following questions and activities together:
- What decision or area do you need God’s wisdom for today?
- Are you God’s sheep?
- When you're troubled by a situation, who do you seek wisdom from?
“Heavenly Father, thank You for having a perfect plan for this world from creation to the end of time. I am grateful I get to be a part of Your plan. When I do not feel worthy to walk confidently in my calling, please remind me, You are worthy, and You alone deserve honor and glory and praise. You have a plan, and I already love it. Thank You for equipping me to reach my people in my place. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
About this Plan

Bold and Beautiful II is a continuation of the first Bold + Beautiful study. It is a 10-session plan aimed at female athletes that can be done preferably in a team or group setting. By providing a biblical perspective on the issues many female athletes face—like boldness, wisdom, beauty, worth, and strength—we hope athletes will understand true beauty and how a competitive spirit can be godly and feminine.