Abide: Prayer and Fasting (Family Devotional)નમૂનો

Abide: Prayer and Fasting (Family Devotional)

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 1:  The Word is a Seed


Name a Tree in Three!

Parents and kids will take turns to come up with names of trees in alphabetical order. Some of the trees you think of can be names of fruits. Give each other three seconds to answer. If one of you cannot think of an answer in three seconds, another person can try to save the turn instead.

For example: 

A: apple tree

B: baobab tree

C: calamansi

Try to get to Z in ten minutes or less. 


  • There’s a tree that starts with Z! It’s the zelkova tree.         
  • You may want to check tree names online.




























In our game, we learned about the different names of trees. Some of those trees grow so big that they become nesting places for birds and homes for other animals.

Some of these trees, like the mango tree, become very big later on. But trees do not start out that way. They start as seeds planted into the soil.

Today’s verses talk about a different type of seed. One which is not seen but bears fruit and grows big. Let’s read 1 Peter 1:13–25 to check out this seed!

But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” . . . For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.” 1 Peter 1:15, 23–25 (NIV)

Imperishable means it will last forever. The imperishable seed that Peter was talking about was the word of God, the Bible. Although the Bible is printed on paper, or nowadays accessible on our digital devices, the written word of God is still very powerful, even today. It can change us and make our hearts new.  

Just like a mango tree that started as a seed and grew, reading the Bible allows God to sow His word in our hearts so we can grow big in our faith.


Parents to Kids

4–6 years old  

  • Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story? What is it and why do you like it?

7–12 years old  

  • What is your favorite Bible verse? Do you want us to read the Bible together daily?      
  • Can you share some of your Bible reading habits with us?

Kids to Parents      

  • When do you read the Bible?      
  • What is a recent verse you read and how did God speak to you through it?

Unlike the things of this world that we hold on to but will fade away, God’s word will endure forever. As a family, let us get into the habit of reading it daily and ask God to plant His word in our hearts.


Dear God, we are grateful that You made it possible for us to read Your word. We pray that You help us consistently read and meditate on it so it takes root in our lives and in our relationships.  In Jesus’ name, amen.


Some of the oldest trees in the world have been around for approximately 5,000 years. One of these is the Great Basin bristlecone pine and is mostly found in California. It is also called Methuselah, which is the name of a man in the Bible who lived the longest—969 years!

This pine tree has cones and seeds. It also started with seeds planted in the soil and then it grew and aged. 

So if a perishable seed can do that much, imagine how far the imperishable seed will help us endure eternally. That is beyond this life for sure!

દિવસ 1દિવસ 3

About this Plan

Abide: Prayer and Fasting (Family Devotional)

Every year, we come together to pray and fast so we can hear from God and know what He is telling us to do. As we learn to depend on God, His word does not only feed, strengthen, encourage, comfort, and satisfy us, but it gives us life. This family devotional is designed to be used by parents with children from the ages of four to twelve.
