Empowered Living by the Holy Spiritનમૂનો

Empowered Living by the Holy Spirit

DAY 2 OF 3



The Holy Spirit is the living stream or river– flowing all the time in the believers’ life. When we believe in the Lord, the flowing Triune God enters into us and He flows as the Spirit within our spirit, even in our whole being. God does everything by the means of this flow and in the divine stream, there’s the tree of life the source of nourishment and spiritual food. And as we drink from the river of life, we are being refreshed and edified through the Holy Spirit living and flowing in us. He is releasing the river of life from the throne of the Father. The first place that the river of God will flow is towards the low dry land. God is seeking for those who are drying up and dying out of thirst because He is longing to refresh and strengthen them.


Three Things That God Will Do When His Holy Spirit Release the River:


Any living creature here on earth needs water to live and to remain in strength and in good health. If there is no water to drink every plant, livestock, and man will die as fresh water is a vital need for survival on earth. No one can live without freshwater. The river will revive dead souls and refresh those who are experiencing drying hope and heart.  Water is life itself and Jesus Himself is the living water given to men to live eternal life and anyone who comes to Him and drink will not thirst anymore.

“… but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:14) 

They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. (Psalm 36:8-9)

Everything that touches the living waters will live. The water releases abundant life because God’s Spirit is the Spirit of life. God will flow His anointing through the Holy Spirit to those who are asking and longing for God, as He will not withdraw good things from His people. He wants to give abundant life through Jesus Christ our Lord to those who believe in His Son. The purpose of the anointing of the Holy Spirit is to bring life to men.  A believer who thirsts and earnestly longed for the presence of God will be filled as the Holy Spirit comes and fills the spiritual life of the believer.


Another purpose of the river is to gather the harvest. When the river has fresh flowing water, the fish will gather there as they enjoy the freshwater. If the river is dried up, contaminated, and dirty, many of the fishes will die and some will flee to seek for fresh streams and river to live. When freshwater flows the fish will be found in abundance and the fishermen will be able to catch many. (Ezekiel 47:9-12). The main purpose of the anointing is to bring in the lost to the Kingdom of God. When the anointing power of God is present and the freshwater or life is flowing the souls will come even by the thousands to drink and refresh themselves. They will not go about just to seek for water as the water is just nearby them and this river will revive the soul. When the river flows thousands of souls will be gathered and harvested to the Kingdom of God. When non-believers see and hear the miracles of God happening to believers, they too want to experience it themselves and as a result, many souls will be harvested.  Acts 2:41 –“Those who accepted his message were baptized and about 3,000 were added to their number that day”.


This world is filled with darkness and sin and this brings the curse of sickness in people’s spirits, souls, and physical bodies. Many people are wounded and terminally ill spiritually and they have nowhere to go to find rest and healing. Satan and his demons are busy doing their job in destroying, killing, and stealing lives. The devil’s main goal is to bring curses and death to people especially to believers. We praise God that He had given us the breakthrough and healing. God the Father sent His Only Begotten Son to bring life to the dead and healing to those who are sick.  In John 4:10, Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

God came to give life and He delights in healing the sick. When Jesus walked on the earth, He reached out His hands to touch, heal, and deliver those who are afflicted by the devil, sin, and diseases. Today, His Holy Spirit had given us power and authority in Jesus’ Name to receive healing and to pray for healing to those who are sick. His river is flowing continuously to reach out to those who are sick not just spiritually but also emotionally and physically. Nothing is impossible with God and nothing is too difficult for Him to do to those who have faith and believe in His Words and promises. The Holy Spirit in us will put all these promises to activation and completion. The river of the Holy Spirit will flow in us and through us and wherever it flows it will bring life and healing to the world that is decaying. As we experience healing, we can bring the gospel to the world so that they could also experience the living waters of God and be healed and refreshed.


1. Jesus is the living water of God and to those who receive Him, river of life will flow in them. Do you already have that fountain of life in your life? If you have not are you interested to have Him in your life? (Led the person to pray for the prayer of salvation).

2. The purpose of the river is to flow to the dry ground and give life and to refresh. Share how you use the gift and anointing of God to refresh others. 

3. How can you maintain that river in your life to flow freely and without blockage?

4. Pray for each other and ask the Holy Spirit to refresh and revive each one. 


When the Holy Spirit comes, He changes things. The purpose of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our life is to bring in the souls to the Kingdom of God. When Peter stood baptized and filled up with God’s anointing there were three thousand souls that were saved on the same day. May God be glorified as we are filled and led by the Holy Spirit to do the will and works of God that God has prepared before us.

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