Follow: Life-Giving Habitsનમૂનો

Follow: Life-Giving Habits

DAY 15 OF 40

I devote myself to the Word and to Prayer

Not a Religion but a Relationship

Jesus was known for making radical statements. He often said and did things that upset the teachers of the law in particular.  Why? Because Jesus would often go against the status quo. 

And there’s one story in the gospels that illustrates this so beautifully. Matthew chapter 6 records Jesus making one of the most radical statements ever! In Matthew 6 Jesus is giving this monster-sized sermon, explaining so many elements of the Christian faith. He talks about giving, fasting, God, and possessions, and He particularly talks about praying. It’s kind of this build-up of so many things that pertain to following God, and then Jesus drops this bombshell, a monumental statement. 

Matthew 6:9 CSB Therefore, you should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, your name be honored as holy.

Friends, this was a monumental moment! Why? Because suddenly through these two seemingly insignificant words “Our Father” Jesus changed the rules of the game forever! Until this moment, no one on earth had EVER approached God like this. Until this point in time, God was this far off, holy being no one could reach.  Then, suddenly Jesus, through His life, ministry, death, and resurrection, changes everything! This was radical! Because Jesus suddenly opened up a whole new way of relating to God – through relationship. 

You see when you address someone as Father, Dad, Daddy, Pa, or Pappa – it’s relational, right? Jesus, in this moment, as He teaches His followers to pray, opens up a way to relate to God that had never been done before – relating to God via a personal relationship. Not religion, not just simply laws and rules that need to be adhered to – instead Jesus invites us to start relating to God through relationship. A relationship that is deep and meaningful, not just a list of boxes that need to be ticked off. 

Over the next few days, we’re going to talk about some spiritual habits. But particularly the spiritual habits of prayer and reading the Word of God.  And I want to encourage you as we journey through this – every time we speak about prayer and every time we speak about reading God’s word, it’s through this radical invitation of Jesus that invites us into a relationship. 

When I pray and talk to God and when I read His Word it’s all from this one foundation – Father, Dad, Pappa. 

Acts 2:42 says the early church devoted themselves to time in prayer and in the Word – we’re going to look at the how and the why when it comes to a devoted life. But it’s all centered on this one rock, this one foundation of an intimate relationship. 

You see, we devote ourselves to the things we love. If you love being fit, you’ll devote yourself to exercise. It’s the same with following God. I devote myself to Him because I love Him. I devote myself to certain habits, not because the habits in and of themselves are magical, but because they lead me into a deeper relationship with a person, Jesus. 

Devotion to a religious system won’t last; we’ll either fail or just become too tired to maintain that. But devotion to a Person, that can last a lifetime. 

દિવસ 14દિવસ 16

About this Plan

Follow: Life-Giving Habits

In the person of Jesus, God calls all people not to simply know about Him, but to follow Him with all that we are. Following Jesus daily is more like a habit than it is a moment. Habits are things we do often and regularly, without consciously thinking we have to do them. This 40-day plan will explore life-giving habits to establish us in the new life that Jesus gives.
