Through the Bible: 2 Kingsનમૂનો

Through the Bible: 2 Kings

DAY 5 OF 10

An Enduring Legacy

Elisha died and was buried. Every year bands of Moabites used to invade the land of Israel. Once, during a funeral, one of those bands was seen, and the people threw the corpse into Elisha’s tomb and ran off. As soon as the body came into contact with Elisha’s bones, the man came back to life and stood up. 
2 Kings 13:20-21 (GNT)

In life, the prophet Elisha walked in faith and power, leading many to the Lord through miracles. This included providing olive oil for the poor widow, healing Naaman’s skin disease, and intervening at crucial moments during various reigns of the kings of Israel.

In death, Elisha died quietly from a fatal disease. However, his legacy in the Lord endured and people continued to be led to the Lord. One time, a dead man was miraculously brought back to life after coming into contact with his bones. Much later, the stories of Elisha continued to help others know the Lord.

Elisha’s legacy foreshadows Jesus. John 21:25 mentions how not even all the books in the world could record all that Jesus did – that is, in His life and beyond it. As for you and me, are we making our lives count in God’s eternal perspective? There is more to life than this life!


Lord, lead us to a life worth living, a blessing to our family, friends, community, and the nations. May You be glorified in our lives – and beyond! In Jesus’ name, Amen!


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About this Plan

Through the Bible: 2 Kings

Together with 1st Kings, the author minces no words to connect the nation’s destiny to each king’s faithfulness to Yahweh. Elisha succeeded Elijah as the representative of God’s voice, but there was way too little to be done when people’s hearts remained hardened. Despite few reforms under the reign of King Jehu, Hezekiah and Josiah, the northern and southern kingdoms finally perished in 722 and 587 BCE respectively.
