Get Active, God's Way by Healthy by Designનમૂનો

Get Active, God's Way by Healthy by Design

DAY 1 OF 5

Why Rise?

In John 5:1-8, there's a story of a man who had been sick for 38 years. Jesus finds him waiting by the pool called Bethesda, waiting for miraculous healing. "Jesus asks him, 'Do you want to get well?' The man replies, 'Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.'"

Without missing a beat, Jesus tells him, "Rise, take up your bed and walk." Immediately the man was made well and took up his bed and walked.

We can learn from this story and apply it to our challenges to get more active and healthy. We may not be paralyzed, but we've been struggling for many, many years with strongholds that have kept us bound. Like the infirmed man, we've held on to the belief that we have no one to help us, that we're alone, that we will never be free from the bondage. We, too, have been stuck.

Like the infirmed man, you may also have found yourself talking more about your struggles than the success you want to achieve. You may become so consumed by your current circumstances that you don't believe that you can ever get well. And like him, your excuses may be more than your expectations.

Jesus' command to him was simple, clear, and direct—"RISE!" There were no justifications, rationalizations, or questions. There was no need to address his fears or excuses—just a command to "RISE!" followed by "take up your mat and walk." Jesus was calling for action.

We learn that the man was waiting by the pool because he believed that his healing would come from the 'magic waters,' but Jesus showed him another way, a better way; one that did not require him to fight to be first in line or that would require others to help him. Jesus healed him by the simple command, "RISE!"

Upon Jesus' directive, the man began walking. As you read this, can you hear Jesus extending the same opportunity to you?

It’s time to let go of what’s been holding you back and RISE!

It’s time to stop believing in magic potions and lotions and trust God for your victory.

It’s time to walk out of your place of discomfort, discouragement, depression, and despair and do what God says to do.

It's Time To Rise!

As you participate in this challenge, let this be your rally cry each day. Hear Jesus encouraging you to rise! We will be studying this passage in great detail as you challenge yourself to make exercise part of your daily routine.

Be encouraged as you read the daily devotions, participate in the daily challenge, trust, and believe that God has transformed you from the inside out. You are a new creation in Him- 2 Corinthians 5:17.


1. As it relates to getting active, how is the Holy Spirit calling you to let go of what's been holding you back and RISE?

2. Why is it necessary to Rise in this season of your life? 

3. As you read John 5:8, what do you hear the Holy Spirit calling you to do!

Worship and Prayer

"Dear Lord, I'm about to embark on another journey, and it's one that has kept me bound for such a long time. Here I go, Lord. You know my fears, my schedule, and what keeps holding me back from truly rising and embracing exercise fully. So I turn this process over to you, and I lay it at your feet. Please give me a healthy perspective on exercise. One that does not include pain, punishment, or self-gratification. But one that glorifies you and you alone. By the end of this devotional and challenge, allow me to put exercise in its rightful place in my everyday life. I give you my body today as my reasonable service to you. In Jesus' name. Amen!" 

This devotional is adapted from Cathy Morenzie's book, 'Healthy by Design: Get Active, God's Way.'


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About this Plan

Get Active, God's Way by Healthy by Design

The Get Active Devotional and Challenge offers you daily devotions to inspire you to get active. It is based on John 5:1-8, where Jesus tells the man at the pool to “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” Be encouraged as you RISE and get active.
