Most Satisfied: Finding Fulfillment in Jesusનમૂનો

Most Satisfied: Finding Fulfillment in Jesus

DAY 3 OF 5

Meditating on the Word: Nourishment 

By Kiana Hershey

"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."—Psalm 1:1–3 (NIV)

Have you ever missed someone? Maybe a friend, family member, or significant other? Do you find yourself wishing you could hear from them because you know that even just the sound of their voice would make everything better? Once you get the chance to talk with them, you feel rejuvenated, your heart is full, and you never want to go back to that feeling of disconnection. 

That’s exactly how we should feel when we reconnect with God through His Word! Sadly, when we feel that pull, the empty feeling that we're missing something in life, we tend to try to fill it with earthly things. And are left feeling even emptier when we discover firsthand that those things don't satisfy. The reason is because that satisfaction we're seeking can only be found by hearing the voice and experiencing the presence of our Maker! Our soul craves to hear from Him; we were designed to live in an intentional relationship with Him. In the Bible, we're told that God is the fountain of life (Psalm 39:6), the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and living water (John 4:10), and the bread of life (John 6:35). So it's not wonder that when we keep our soul from its source of life, we begin to feel depleted of joy, strength, and meaning. 

His Word tells us that those who delight in the law of the Lord are blessed. That word for blessed, in its simplest and most basic form, means happiness, contentment and fulfillment. These are attributes that all of humanity desires, that every person who ever lived is searching for! So, how do we obtain these? By being captivated by the law of the Lord, His word. The Book of Psalms gives us the perfect example of how to read the Word and to feel satisfied by meditating on it “day and night.” 

Meditating on His Word means not only reading it, but finding inward nourishment from it! When we meditate on Scripture, we ponder what we have read. We ask questions, and we look for ways that this Scripture points to the larger narrative of Jesus. We reflect on how He has spoken to us through the passage and process it throughout the rest of our day. We soak up all the nutrients that Scripture has to offer and come back to it as often as is needed to be reminded of the truth it conveys! In meditation, we dissect the living Word of God section by section and give the Lord space and time to speak as we are still and quiet with the passage—both physically and mentally! 

Meditating requires intentional time set aside for yourself and the Lord. A person who makes time to feed Himself with the Word is described in today's passage as “a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in all seasons and whose leaf does not wither.“ That is because the tree is living and abiding in its source of life . . . Christ! It is strong and produces fruit because it is planted, and firmly rooted by the source of nourishment.

Watch: As you grow in meditating on the Word, the Lord will embolden your prayer life. The Word is convicting, freeing, sobering, and encouraging! You will begin to be led by the Spirit to pray prayers you never have before—bolder, deeper, and more vulnerable! 

Pause: Is there someone in your life that models meditating in the Word?

Ponder:  Does your soul long for spending time with Jesus? Do you sit with His Word daily or wait until you feel empty to “refuel?” When is your scheduled quiet time? How have you seen the Lord unlock your prayer life?  

Practice: Find a friend who can keep you accountable for meditating on the Word daily, and start a YouVersion plan together! 


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About this Plan

Most Satisfied: Finding Fulfillment in Jesus

This five-day plan reminds our souls that satisfaction is found through a rich relationship with Christ. True fulfillment becomes readily available to believers when we draw near to Christ, delight in who He is, nourishing our soul through reading His word and reflecting on who we are becoming. He is most glorified when we are satisfied in a relationship with Him!
