A Cord of Three Strandsનમૂનો

Seeds of Life
Today, we will identify that our choices and attitudes always have consequences. Tomorrow we will harvest the seeds we plant today. In our marriage it is the same, so we need to watch and choose carefully the seeds we are planting in our family. One of the points that leads to bad harvests is when we misuse the seed of money. Therefore, I invite you today to reflect on your attitudes and follow some tips on how to organize your seeds so that you can guarantee rich harvests in the future.
It is God who gives man the good seed to sow, but it is up to you to choose where he will sow it. There are three types of seeds:
- Biological seed: represents the sexual life of men and women. We can throw this good seed in the field of fornication, adultery, homosexuality and pornography, or we can throw it in the field of marriage - Hebrews 13:4;
- Financial seed: represents money and wealth. We can sow in the pleasures of the world, only in material goods and heritage, or we can sow in what is eternal, be faithful to the tithe and ask God for protection of our finances - Genesis 26:12-13;
- Seed of the word: it represents everything we speak, that our lips profess. We can sow in the field of lies, or in the field of truth - Proverbs 19:5.
How do we sow in the field of lies or in the field of truth?
- Lies:
- "Our children are rebellious."
- "I don't do anything right."
- "I never had and never will have anything."
- Truth:
- "Our children are taught by the Lord and will have an abundant life."
- "I can do everything in Christ who strengthens me."
- “The Lord will fill my barns and they will overflow. In everything I put my hand on, He will bless me.”
The soil is the heart of man. We are always planting in lives: in ourselves, in our spouse, in our children and in others. We must learn from Him who is the great sower of humanity, and continue sowing seeds of life - Matthew 13:18-23.
The harvest obeys two factors: time and multiplication.
It is important to recognize the good harvests and identify the seeds that produced them, to continue producing new crops. As for undesirable crops, you need to regret it. Repentance works as an herbicide.
Our marriage today is the result of planting and harvesting that we have done over the years. We need to analyze the crops that have been produced, decide what we must do to preserve good crops and eliminate unwanted ones.
- List what you have already sown in your life and marriage, and what the respective harvest was. Do the exercise separately, and then share the list with your spouse:
a. What was the planting?
b. What am I reaping?
2. Now, reviewing the previous list and wishing to keep only the good seeds and eliminate the bad ones, make a new list in how your new sowing will be:
a. The new sowing.
b. Harvest expectation.
3. Together they choose the seed of an edible plant (coriander, basil, parsley, etc.), plant it in a pot, and begin to carefully observe the growth. Feed on the plant and each time you savor it, think about whether what you are sowing in life is giving the same pleasure to your spouse and to the other people around you.