Follow Jesusનમૂનો

Everybody Gets Healed.
Moffatt’s translation puts Matthew 12:15 this way: “Many followed Him, and He healed them all.”
As the reading makes clear, Jesus is causing quite a stir. His disciples get caught picking ears of corn in the field on the Sabbath. The Pharisees accuse them of breaking the law. Jesus engages them, defending His disciples’ activity on a couple of grounds. First, there is Old Testament precedent of David, fleeing from Saul. Second, the priests on Sabbath temple duty are by definition working on the Sabbath. Following these points, Jesus asserts that He is Lord of the Sabbath.
Later that day, the Pharisees and Jesus are all in the synagogue, along with a man with a shriveled hand. The Pharisees pick a fight with Jesus, asking, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” Jesus points out that any of them would pull his sheep from a pit on the Sabbath, and that people are much more valuable than sheep. And then Jesus modifies the law: “Therefore, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.” And then Jesus healed the man.
And the Pharisees, “went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.”
Jesus also left the synagogue. And it’s not clear in the text that it isn’t the same day. But verse 15 says, ‘Many followed Him, and He healed them all.” It is plausible that Jesus didn’t only defend the breach of Jewish Sabbath custom by His disciples by quoting Old Testament precedent and arguing priestly law; He didn’t merely heal a man in the synagogue on the Sabbath in direct confrontation with the squabble-stirring Pharisees; He healed them all! All those who followed Him.
And everyone who follows Jesus gets healed. The situation was tense. There have been hostile clashes. There must have been an uproar at the synagogue after the healing incident. The Pharisees are plotting to kill Jesus. The stakes are high. For those on the fence, now is a good time to wait it out and see which way the winds blow.
Maybe. But many people decided to get off the fence. They were convinced by Jesus. By His teaching, by His manner, and by His power. And they followed Him.
When you read the news today, you might easily come to the same conclusion that some were tempted towards in that day. Wait. Check the political winds. See who will get the upper hand. There might be a better opportunity come along. Get comfortable up on that fence – as comfortable as sitting on a fence can be.
But many followed Him. And many, today, have decided to follow Jesus, too. Like those in the Gospel according to Matthew, they’ve been convinced by Jesus. By His teaching, by His manner, and by His power.
And they’ve decided to follow Jesus. And do you know what? Just like back in the first century, everybody who follows Jesus gets healed. Now, note that we’re not guaranteeing that if you have a broken arm it will be healed today, or that if you had a stroke your movement and control will be immediately restored. Those things will all be corrected at some point, possibly as you enter into eternity from earth. But healing implies change and improvement. And those suffering from the consequences of sin and hurt and victimhood and oppression and shame and guilt – they will be healed. They will be changed. Their lives will be improved.
You can decide to follow Jesus, today. Talk to Him, along these lines…
‘Lord, I decide to follow You. I’m no longer going to sit on the fence or the sidelines. I’m not longer going to spectate or wait out to see which way the winds blow. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins, for rising again, for pursuing me… I’m convinced by You, by Your teaching, by Your manner, by Your power. Please forgive me (you can fill in specifics as He prompts you, here). Please heal me. Please fill me with Holy Spirit. Please accompany me all the way to heaven.‘
About this Plan

Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the theme – Follow Jesus.