Encounters With Christનમૂનો

Encounters With Christ

DAY 1 OF 10

John the Baptist  

Neither old covenant believers who knew the Messiah in shadows nor new covenant disciples who knew Him while He walked the earth could remain unchanged after encountering Him. For the next few days we will study some of the direct, life-altering meetings Jesus had with others in history. 

One encounter took place with the last prophet before Jesus’ public ministry. When John baptized in the wilderness near the Jordan river, he caused an uproar because he preached a baptism for the remission of sins to Israel (Matt. 3). Before John, only Gentile converts to Judaism underwent a similar rite, because they were regarded as unclean. In baptizing Israelites, John was teaching that the chosen people were unclean, and that their Temple could not cleanse them, thereby scandalizing the priesthood (John 1:19–28). 

John repeatedly identified himself as the prophet who would prepare the way for the kingdom of God to appear with a power not previously seen (vv. 19–23). He believed that his cousin, Jesus of Nazareth, was the long-awaited king, and he was not afraid to pay homage to God’s Messiah (vv. 24–28). 

Though he had come into contact with Jesus while still in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:39–45), John meets Him later at the Jordan to baptize Him and declare the start of His public ministry (John 1:29–34). This encounter affirmed Jesus’ significant role in the drama of redemption, for soon afterwards John told the people that the Christ must increase and that he must decrease (3:30). John’s honor had to recede into the background in light of the greater glory of the Son of David. May we all so acknowledge our resurrected Lord.

Coram Deo: Living before the face of God  

Typically, belief in Jesus’ lordship and resurrection spreads by hearing the preaching of the Gospel. In other instances, the glory of His name is spread in slightly different ways, perhaps through daily devotionals with family or through service to neighbors according to the will of the Messiah (Matt. 5:16, 19). If you are engaged in any of the aforementioned tasks, take heart, for you are helping to “increase” the name of Jesus on the earth.

Copyright © Ligonier Ministries.

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About this Plan

Encounters With Christ

Scripture records many people coming face to face with Jesus, each of them responding to these life-altering meetings in a variety of ways. This 10-day study will give you greater insight into the character of Christ through His encounters with different men and women.
