Five Circles of Sexuality
Sexuality is so much more than just physical sexual intercourse. Sexuality is an important part of who you are and how God created you. Sexuality has to do with your values, beliefs, thoughts and behaviors. It has to do with how comfortable you feel in your skin, who you are attracted to, cultural gender roles, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction.
There are actually 5 circles to human sexuality. All are important to consider.
The Five Circles include: Intimacy, gender identity, sensuality, health & reproduction, sexualization.
- Intimacy: Has to do with being vulnerable, sharing your dreams & fears.
- Identity: Male/female/intersex, gender roles.
- Sensuality: How we feel in our skin, self-esteem.
- Health and reproduction: Pap smears, access to contraception, sexual anatomy, factual information.
- Sexualization: On one end of the scale this can be flirting, on the other end is sexual exploitation.
- What behaviors do you think belong in each circle? For example, holding hands, kissing, sharing what your goals or ideal relationship would be?
- Which element of The Five Circles do you think is most important?
About this Plan
This plan includes seven daily devotions based on Cheryl Fagan’s book, On Top: Your Personal Study Guide to Holistic Sexuality. Sexuality is an essential part of who we are; it's everyone's right (and responsibility) to be educated on this topic. On Top unwraps the topic of sexuality from a holistic perspective — mind/body/heart/soul. Gain valuable insight and the personal skills you need to negotiate life in a highly sexualized world.