DAY 7 OF 7

Trusting in the Providence of the Holy Spirit  

When I received Jesus as my Savior, my assumption had been that the Holy Spirit was “assigned” to me. I thought He had come into my life because He had no option. I was now His “job”—His responsibility. 

Then one day the words of Ephesians 4:30 gripped me. While I understand that Scripture is warning us not to intentionally, willfully sin, the word grieve caught and held my attention. I reflected on grief in my own life and knew I had experienced that emotion only when I loved someone deeply.

This realization turned the light on in my thinking as I realized that if I can grieve the Holy Spirit, it’s because He loves me. The Holy Spirit loves me! He’s not just a professional partner. He’s not just assigned to me. He doesn’t live within me because He has to—He lives within me because He wants to live within me. He deeply cares about what I do and who I become. Not only is He spiritually and practically involved in my life; He is also emotionally caught up in who I am and who I am to become.

What a difference that simple truth has made in my perspective. I can be myself with the Holy Spirit. I don’t have to be “on.” I can relax and be transparent with Him. I can trust Him completely because He truly loves me!

And the Holy Spirit loves you too! It doesn’t matter how small or how large your concern is. He cares. He understands. He wants what’s best for you. He desires for you to fulfill your God-given potential. He wants to ease your burden, solve your problem, comfort your broken heart, bind up your wounds, bring you through the valley of the shadow, shower you with blessing upon blessing. And yes, He wants to make you holy—because He loves you! Stop trying to impress Him. Stop working so hard to earn His love. Live with the confidence that you are deeply, unconditionally, permanently loved by Him.

In (or into) what situation do you need to invite God right now?  It may be an immediate crisis or an ongoing struggle. Give Him absolute freedom and authority to take charge. Trust Him to bring you through. He will. And your faith in Him will be stronger as a result. 


We hope this Plan encouraged you.  Learn More about Jesus In Me by Anne Graham Lotz.

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About this Plan


We sometimes think of the Holy Spirit as a “lesser” part of the Trinity. In truth, the Holy Spirit is a living person with a mind, a will, and emotions. Each name that He has been given—Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby—reveals another aspect of His beautiful character. For the next seven days, we will explore the wonder of this constant companion—Jesus in us.
