Looking Back/Looking Forwardનમૂનો

Looking Back/Looking Forward

DAY 5 OF 5

Looking Back/Looking Forward

by Rocky Fleming

Day 5: Going Forward Through Absorption

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained.  (Philippians 3:12-16 ESV)

Look into Paul’s heart as you read his words: “but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.”  Because Christ Jesus has made me His own.  I rarely do what I am asking you to do right now, but some of you, if not all of us, need to repeat these words and declare them. CHRIST JESUS HAS MADE ME HIS OWN.   Please say those words and repeat it again by whispering it, and then speaking it, and if you are able to shout it out, do so.  You are Christ Jesus' own beloved adopted brother or sister.  You are His own family.  You are a member of His Holy Priesthood, and He is your King of Kings.  He chose you and made you His own.  You need to know this.  You need to feel this.  You need to stand on this.  You need to live the rest of your life with this assurance as you go forward.  This is the glue in your foundation that holds everything together, from your justification through your sanctification until the day that you will be glorified with Him in His heaven and stand before Him.  You are His own, and He makes it all happen for you because of it!

When the absorption of this assurance permeates our life, it becomes a powerful force that helps us live with purpose, passion, and power.  Being absorbed with the thought that “I am His own” not only changes us personally, it propels us forward with purpose to help others find this purpose, passion, and power.  It is called “making disciples,” which is the life purpose of God’s man.  This is the man who God is reforming in us that starts as a follower, then moves through the process of becoming a disciple, and eventually emerges as a laborer.  But we must always return to how this absorption of a new identity occurs, for it is not by spiritual disciplines or fervent study that these Christ-like qualities are imparted.  Those are good and they are necessary in our spiritual journey.  But knowledge and discipline alone do not create a transformed life.  It happens only by being in close proximity with Christ.  It is in this place that the values and heart of Christ are understood, embraced and absorbed into our own life.  We do not make it happen.  But it will happen if we are in the place Jesus calls “abiding.”

The abiding relationship needs to be understood as a place of permanency.  Another translation of the word is “remain.”  In other words, we go to this place and we stay there.  We do not simply visit this relationship place with Christ for a quick fix or comfort or strategy for a better life.  We go there and stay there so that the absorption of His life increases in us, as we decrease.  This takes time.  It requires a sold out commitment.  You have heard our ministry leaders say the words many times “Personal Abandonment and Absolute Trust” to describe the level of commitment to Christ to go to this close proximity with Him.  A visit will only whet our appetite.  But remaining there changes our life, and it is this life that Jesus is compelling us to allow Him to create in us.

As I finish this week’s series, I ask you to ask yourself this question:  “What am I willing to give up to become this person?” Let me be clear.  To take this journey to transformation will require a realignment of your life to seriously follow Christ.  There is a cost involved.  But there is a treasure that awaits you, even though there is a cost to find it.  Know this: Whatever Jesus asks us to give up to follow Him will be overwhelmingly replaced with what He has for us, which is the hidden treasure He speaks of.  So don’t stay stuck where you are.  Press on with Him with personal abandonment and absolute trust, and you will see that what He has in store for you is very, very good.  This is what Jesus said about it:

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”  (Matthew 13:45-46 ESV)
દિવસ 4

About this Plan

Looking Back/Looking Forward

“Lord, if we don’t have a 'used-to-be' story, then we don’t have a changed life for today or the future” a friend said in his prayer. Have you taken the time to do a “look back” in your life to see the truth of how God has been reaching to you?
