
What you have the capacity to become depends upon your foundation. Moreover, whether you will have the tenacity to endure the storms of life depends entirely upon that foundation.
The only way to make it through life’s torrential rains and gusting winds is not merely to hear the words of Jesus—including all the truths found in Scripture—but also to act on them. Listening is only part of the Carpenter’s equation; obeying is the most important aspect.
If you just read your Bible and never embrace its principles as your own, then, when the disturbances of life begin to arise on the horizon, you will be in no position to stand strong. If you simply listen to sermons based on God’s Word and never apply their precepts to your own system of living, your foundation will crumble at the first roll of thunder.
However, if you desire to build the kind of life that will stand firm during illness, financial stress, family challenges, rejection, and failure, then you must not only read the Bible—you must “do” the Bible. You must not only hear the Word of God—you must obey the Word of God. You must not only go to church—you must become the church. That means being a receptive dwelling place for the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to work His grace and power in your life.
The words and the heart of Jesus echo through the ages as He calls each one of us today to stormproof living. If you want to stand strong in spite of the blasts of circumstantial tempests, situational hurricanes, and relational blizzards, you will listen to the words of Jesus and then you will act on the words of Jesus. When you build a life based on that scriptural advice, you can be sure that your foundation will not be moved or shaken, no matter what adverse winds blow your way.
About this Plan

Are you—or is someone you love—suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Rather than being destroyed by this tempest, what if you allowed the disturbance to increase your capacity for rapid growth and fulfilling your destiny in God? After digging deeply into the Word of God, there is a triumphant way to be StormProof!