Luik 22
Tha ploat tae get rïd o Jesus
1Noo tha Faist o Bairmless Breid, caad tha Passower, wus nearhan. 2An tha heid preeshts an maistèrs o tha Laa wus colloguin thegither hoo tae get rïd o Jesus on tha quait, fer the' wur feart o whut tha fowk micht dae.
3Then Satan cum ïntae tha hairt o Judas, tha yin caad Iscariot, that wus yin o tha Twal; 4an Judas went tae tha heid preeshts an offyshers o tha Temple gaird an taakt aboot hoo he micht han Jesus ower tae thaim. 5The' wur weel plaised, an struck a dail wi hïm, tae gie hïm siller fer hïs wark. 6Sae Judas made a paction, an he lukt fer a guid apenin tae han Jesus ower tae thaim, whaniver thair wus nae crood aboot.
Tha Last Supper
7Noo tha Day o Bairmless Breid cum alang, whan tha lambs wus kïllt fer tha Passower. 8An Jesus bïd Petèr an Jhone tae gang on aheid, fer tae mak readie tha Passower mail fer thaim tae ait thegither. 9The' axt hïm, “Whar wud ye hae iz mak ït readie?” 10An he saed tae thaim, “Tha mïnit yis cum ïntae tha cïtie, a man cairryin a crockerie jar o wattèr wull meet yis. Follae hïm tae tha hoose he gangs ïntae, 11an say tae tha guidman o tha hoose, ‘Tha Maistèr says: Whar ïs tha ruim whar A can ait tha Passower wi ma follaers?’ 12An he wull show yis a bïg upstair ruim, plenisht an aa. Yis ir tae mak ït readie thair.” 13The' went an the' fun ït jist as he haed saed. An the' made readie tha boord fer tha Passower mail.
14An whaniver tha time cum tae stairt, Jesus tuk hïs place at tha boord, an tha possels alang wi hïm. 15An he saed tae thaim, “A hae bin langin wi aa ma hairt tae ait thïs Passower mail wi yis, afore A suffer. 16Fer A'm tellin yis aa noo, A'll no ait ït agane tae tha Kïngdom o God ïs cum.” 17Then he tuk tha bicker ïn hïs hans, gien thenks tae God, an saed, “Tak thïs, an shair ït oot amang yis. 18Fer A tell yis thïs: frae noo on, A'll no drïnk o tha fruit o tha vine afore tha Kïngdom o God haes cum.” 19An he tuk tha breid as weel, an whaniver he haed gien thenks tae God, he brauk ït, an hannit ït tae thaim, an saed, “Thïs ïs ma bodie [gien fer you. Dae thïs ïn mine o me.” 20In tha same wye, eftèr supper he tuk tha bicker o wine an saed, “Thïs bicker ïs a sign o God's new coveynant sealed wi ma bluid, poored oot fer you.] 21But tak heed, tha yin that's gaun tae gie me up ïs at tha boord alang wi me. 22Fer masel, tha Sinn o Man, A maun dee accoardin tae God's plan. But wile sorra tae tha yin that bethrays me!” 23Then the' begun tae taak amang thairsels, axin whutch yin o thaim wud dae sitch an a thïng.
Tha thraw amang tha follaers o Jesus
24An thair wus a thraw on amang thaim, as tae whut yin o thaim shud be tha maist heich. 25Jesus toul thaim, “Amang tha Gentiles, kïngs laird ït ower thair ain fowk, an thair heidyins gets tha name o daein guid. 26But wi yous, ït's no tae be laik that. Amang yous, tha maist heich shud be laik tha maist hummle, an a heidyin shud be laik a sarvint. 27Fer whut yin's mair impoartin amang yis, hïm that's sïttin at tha boord, or tha yin that sarves hïm? Is ït no tha yin that's at tha boord? Ay, ye wud thïnk that wud be richt. But no here! Fer A am amang yis as yin that sarves.
28Yous ir tha yins that hae stud bye me ïn reuch times. 29-30An jist as ma Faither haes gien a Kïngdom tae me, sae A masel wull gie you tha richt tae ait an drïnk at tha boord ïn ma Kïngdom. An yis'll sït doon on thrones an judge tha twal clans o Israel.”
Jesus foretells Petèr wull deny hïm
31An wi that, he went on tae say, “Simon, Simon, lïsten tae me! Satan haes axt tae hae yis aa, fer tae rïddle ye as wheat. 32But A hae prayed fer ye, Simon, that yer faith wull houl oot. An whan ye hae turnt bak tae me, ye ir tae haud up yer brithers.” 33An Petèr saed, “Loard, A'm readie tae gang tae jail wi ye, or e'en tae dee wi ye.” 34“A'm tellin ye, Petèr,” saed Jesus, “tha roostèr wull no craa themorra moarnin, afore ye hae saed thrie times ower that ye dïnnae ken me.”
35An he went on tae say tae thaim aa, “Whan A sent yis oot wi nae pooch, nae baag, an nae shune, dïd yis want fer ocht?” An the' saed, “Naethin ava!” 36“But noo,” saed Jesus, “If yis hae a pooch or a baag, tak thaim wi yis. An ïf ye hinnae a sword, sell tha cóat aff yer bak, an buy yin. 37It's writ doon ïn tha Scrïptures: ‘He wus coontit amang tha laa brekkers.’ An A tell yis that whut wus writ doon thair aboot me maun cum aboot. Deed ay, ït wull aa cum aboot.” 38An the' saed, “Loard, here's twa swords.” Saed he bak tae thaim, “That'll dae!”
Ang'uish on tha Moont
39An Jesus cum oot o tha hoose an made hïs róad tae tha Moont o Olives, as he wus ïn tha habit o daein. An hïs follaers went alang wi hïm. 40Whan he got tae tha place, he toul thaim, “Pray that whan ye ir tempit, ye dïnnae gie ïn tae ït.” 41He went awa as faur as ye cud clod a stane, an he got doon on hïs knees an prayed, 42sayin, “Faither, ïf ye ir wullin, wud ye tak thïs cup o sufferin awa frae me? Aa tha same, no ma wull, but yours be daen.” 43[Then an angel frae heiven appeart til hïm, an gien hïm strenth. 44An bein ïn a wile agonie, Jesus prayed mair an mair frae tha hairt, tae tha sweit wus faain aff hïm tae tha grun, laik bïg draps o bluid.] 45Whan he wus daen prayin, he got ontae hïs feet an went bak tae hïs follaers. He fun thaim sleepin, aa wore oot wi sorra. 46An he saed tae thaim, “Whut ir yis sleepin fer? Git up an pray, less ye gie ïn tae temptation!”
Bethrayed an arrestit
47Tha wurds wus harlie oot o hïs mooth, whan up cum a hale thrang o fowk. An Judas, yin o tha Twal, wus at tha heid o thaim. He waakit up tae Jesus, an he gien hïm a kïss o greetin. 48But Jesus saed tae hïm, “Judas, wud ye bethray tha Sinn o Man wi a kïss?” 49Whan Jesus' ither follaers saa whut wus aboot tae happen, the' saed, “Loard, shud we tak oor swords tae thaim?” 50An yin o thaim hut tha sarvint o tha Heich Preesht, an he sneddit hïs richt lug aff. 51But Jesus saed, “Houl on! Nae mair o that!” An he püt hïs han on tha ear an hailt tha man. 52Then Jesus saed tae tha heid preeshts, tha offyshers o tha Temple gaird an tha eldèrs, that haed cum oot tae tak houl o hïm: “Am A some soart o a reiver, that yis hae cum oot wi swords an stavs agin me? 53Whan A wus wi yis iverie day ïn tha Hoose o God, yis niver layed a fïng'r on me. But thïs ïs tha time fer yous tae ect; tha pooer o dairkness ïs ower yis noo.”
Petèr denies Jesus
54Then the' tuk houl o Jesus, an led hïm oot, an brocht hïm tae tha Heich Preesht's hoose. Petèr wus follaein behin, keepin hïs distance. 55An the' kïnnelt a fire ïn tha mïddle o tha coortyaird, an the' sut doon thegither, an Petèr amang thaim. 56An thair wus thïs wee sarvin lass tuk a clase luk at hïm ïn tha lowe o tha fire. “Thïs man wus wi hïm tae,” saed she. 57But Petèr saed, “Na, na, lass, A dïnnae know hïm.” 58Eftèr a while anither yin saa hïm an saed, “Ye ir yin o thaim tae.” But Petèr saed, “Man, na, A'm naethin o tha soart!” 59An aboot an oor eftèr that, anither yin insïstit, “Thïs fella wus shairlie wi hïm, fer wi'oot a doot he's frae Galilee tae!” 60But wi that Petèr saed, “Man, A dïnnae know whut ye ir taakin aboot!” An tha wurds wusnae richt aff hïs tung, whan a roostèr craad. 61An tha Loard turnt an lukt at Petèr. An Petèr haed mine o hoo tha Loard haed saed tae hïm: “Afore tha roostèr craas ïn tha moarnin, ye wull deny me thrie times.” 62An Petèr went oot o tha coortyaird, greetin sair.
63Noo tha men houlin Jesus wur mockin hïm, an giein hïm a guid whalin. 64An the' püt a blinfoul on hïm, [the' hut hïm on tha face], an axt, “Weel, proaphit, tell iz wha skelpt ye?” 65An the' caad hïm iverie name unnèr tha sin.
Jesus up afore tha Cooncil
66Then at tha scraich o day, aa tha eldèrs o tha fowk gethert thegither, baith tha heid preeshts an tha maistèrs o tha Laa. The' led Jesus awa tae thair Cooncil#22.66 The' caad ït tha “Sanhedrin”, an the' saed tae hïm, 67“If ye ir tha Christ, tell iz!” An he saed bak tae thaim, “If A dae tell yis, yis'll no believe me. 68An ïf A ax yis oniethin, yis'll no gie me an answer oniehoo. 69But frae thïs time forrit, tha Sinn o Man wull be saitit at tha richt han o tha Michtie Yin.” 70An the' aa saed, “Sae ye ir tha Sinn o God, then?” An Jesus saed bak tae thaim, “Weel, ye saed ït yersels!” 71“Whut mair pruif dae we need?” the' axt. “Noo we hae heerd ït fer oorsels frae hïs ain mooth!”
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Luik 22: USNT
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