Jhone 6

1Eftèr thïs, Jesus went ower tae tha ither side o Loch Galilee (whiles caad Loch Tiberias), 2An a hale thrang o fowk wus cumin behin hïm, fer the' saa tha wunnèrs he'd daen wi tha seeck. 3Sae Jesus gaed up tha braeside an sut doon wi hïs follaers. 4Noo tha Passower Faist, hel bi tha Jews, wus cumin up.
Tha five thoosan weel fed
5Whaniver Jesus lïftit hïs een an saa a bïg nummer o fowk cumin til hïm, he saed tae Phïlip, “Whar cud we buy breid tae feed aa thae fowk?” 6But he jist axt thïs tae try hïm oot, fer he knowed fine weel whut he wus fer daein. 7Phïlip toul hïm, “Twa hunnèr denarii wudnae be eneuch tae buy breid fer thaim aa!” 8Anither o hïs follaers, Andra, Simon Petèr's brither, cum forrit an saed, 9“Thair's a weefla here wi five barley bannocks an twa wee fïsh, but hoo faur wud the' gang amang that crood?” 10Jesus saed, “Gar tha fowk tae sut doon.” Thair wus onie amoont o gress thonner, an tha men sut doon, aboot five thoosan o thaim. 11An then Jesus tuk tha bannocks, gien thenks, an the' wur hannit roon bi hïs follaers tae thaim that wus sut on tha grun, as much as the' wantit. He daen tha same wi tha fïsh. 12Whaniver the' aa haed et thair fïll, he toul hïs follaers, “Gether up aa tha left-owers. An mine ye dïnnae waste ocht!” 13Sae eftèr iveriebodie haed et, the' gethert tha leains o tha five barley bannocks, an fïllt twal creels wi thaim. 14An whaniver tha fowk saa tha wunnèr Jesus wrocht, the' saed, “Thair's nae doot thïs maun be thon Proaphit the' saed wud cum ïntae tha warl.” 15Jesus knowed that the' wur ettlin tae mak hïm kïng agin hïs wull, sae he went aff on hïs lane tae tha muntin agane.
Jesus waaks on tha wattèr
16Bi noo ït wus dailygan, an hïs follaers went doon tae tha loch, 17whar the' got ïntae a bóat an set aff ower tha loch heidin fer Capernaum. It wus dairk got an Jesus haednae turnt up yit. 18A fierce wun wus blaain, an tha wattèrs wus reuch gettin. 19Eftèr the' haed bin rowin thrie or fower mile, the' saa Jesus cumin up tae tha bóat, waakin on tha wattèr; an the' wur wile feart. 20But he saed til thaim, “It's masel; dïnnae be feart.” 21An sae the' wur gled tae tak hïm aboord tha bóat, an richt awa tha bóat landit on tha shore whar the' wur heidin tae. 22Tha nixt day, tha fowk that haed stapt on tha ither shore o tha loch, mindit that thair haed jist bin tha yin bóat thonner, an Jesus haednae got ïn ït alang wi hïs follaers, but that the' haed set aff on thair lane. 23But then some bóats frae Tiberias landit near tae whar tha fowk et tha breid eftèr tha Loard haed gien thenks. 24Sae tha mïnit tha fowk twigged that Jesus an hïs follaers wurnae aboot, the' got ïntae tha bóats an went tae Capernaum tae luk fer Jesus.
Jesus tha breid o life
25Whaniver the' fun hïm on tha ither side o tha loch, the' axt hïm, “Rabbi, whan dïd ye get here?” 26Jesus answert, “A'm tellin yis tha truith, yis ir no lukkin fer me acause ye saa wunnèrs. It's becas yis et yer fïll o tha loafs. 27Dïnnae wark fer mait that gaes aff. Na, wark fer mait that keeps tae ayelastin life that tha Sinn o Man wull gie tae ye. Fer God tha Faither haes püt tha keel-mairk o hïs bakkin on tha Sinn.” 28Sae the' axt hïm, “But whut maun we dae ïf we'r tae dae tha wark that God wud hae iz dae?” 29Jesus answert, “Here's whut tha wark o God ïs: that yis pit yer belief ïn tha yin he haes sent.” 30An sae the' axt hïm, “Whut sign cud ye gie iz sae that we micht see fer oorsels an believe ye? Whut ir ye fer daein? 31Oor forefaithers et tha manna ïn tha wuldèrness; jist laik ït's writ doon ïn tha Scrïptures: ‘He gien thaim breid frae heiven fer tae ait.’ ” 32Then Jesus saed tae thaim, “A'm tellin yis tha truith, ït's no Moses that gien ye tha breid frae heiven; ït cum frae ma Faither. An noo ma Faither ïs giein ye tha true breid frae heiven. 33Fer tha breid o God ïs hïm that cums doon frae heiven an gies life tae tha warl.” 34“Loard,” the' saed, “Frae noo on, thon's tha breid we want.”
35An Jesus saed tae thaim, “A am tha breid o life. Hïm that cums tae me wull niver get hung'rie, an hïm that believes ïn me wull niver hae a druith agane. 36But laik A telt ye, tha mair ye hae saen me, yis dïnnae believe. 37Aa that tha Faither gies me wull cum tae me, an oniebodie that cums tae me A'll niver turn thaim awa. 38Fer A'm no cum frae heiven tae dae ma ain wull, but tae dae tha wull o hïm that sent me. 39An thïs ïs tha wull o hïm that sent me, that oot o aa he haes gien me thair'll be nane ava loast, but A'll rise thaim aa up on tha Last Day. 40Fer ït's ma Faither's wull that oniebodie that luks tae tha Sinn an pits hïs trust ïn hïm wull hae ayelastin life, an A wull rise hïm up on tha Last Day.”
41Wi that, tha Jews stairtit grummlin aboot hïm, acause he saed, “A be tha breid that cum doon frae heiven.” 42The' saed, “Is thon no Jesus, hïm that's tha sinn o Joseph? Shair we ken hïs faither an mither! Hoo cum he's noo sayin, ‘A cum doon frae heiven’?” 43“Wud ye quït grummlin amang yersels,” Jesus toul thaim. 44“Naebodie can cum tae me less tha Faither that sent me draas hïm, an A wull rise hïm up on tha Last Day. 45It ïs writ ïn tha proaphits: ‘The'll aa be lairnt bi God.’ Iveriebodie that taks heed o tha Faither, an lairns frae hïm, wull cum tae me. 46Naebodie haes iver saen tha Faither apairt frae tha yin that's alang wi God; ït's jist hïm haes saen tha Faither. 47Am tellin ye tha truith, thaim at believes haes ayelastin life. 48A be tha breid o life. 49Yer forefaithers et tha manna ïn tha wuldèrness, yit fer aa that, the' deed. 50But thïs here breid that cums doon frae heiven, a man can ait ït, an no dee. 51A be tha leevin breid that cums doon frae heiven. If oniebodie aits thïs breid, he wull leeve fer aye. Thïs breid ïs ma flesh, that A wull gie fer tha life o tha warl.”
52Wi that tha Jews stairtit an argyin match amang thairsels, sayin, “Hoo cud yer man gie iz hïs flesh tae ait?” 53But Jesus toul thaim, “A'm tellin ye tha truith, less ye ait tha flesh o tha Sinn o Man, an drïnk hïs bluid, ye'll hae nae life ïn ye. 54Whaiver aits ma flesh an drïnks ma bluid haes ayelastin life, an A wull rise hïm up on tha Last Day. 55Fer ma flesh ïs tha rael mait, an ma bluid ïs tha rael drïnk. 56Whaiver aits ma flesh an drïnks ma bluid, bides ïn me, an me ïn hïm. 57Jist as tha leevin Faither sent me an A leeve acause o tha Faither, sae tha yin that feeds on me wull leeve acause o me. 58Thïs ïs tha breid that cum doon frae heiven. Yer forefaithers et manna an the' deed, but thïs breid's no laik that. Hïm that feeds on thïs here breid wull leeve fer aye.” 59Jesus toul thaim aa thïs whaniver he wus lairnin fowks ïn tha Meetin Hoose ïn Capernaum.
Monie follaers lea Jesus
60Monie o hïs follaers, whan the' heerd aa thïs, the' saed, “Thon's haird tae stomach. Wha cud tak ït ïn?” 61Jesus knowed ïn hissel that hïs follaers wus grummlin aboot ït, an he axt thaim, “Is yer faith shuk bi thïs? 62Whut ïf ye saa tha Sinn o Man gang up tae whar he wus afore? 63It's tha Spïrit gies life; tha flesh coonts fer naethin ava. Tha wurds A hae spauk til yis ir spïrit, an the'r life as weel. 64Yit thair's yins amang ye that dïnnae believe.” Fer Jesus knowed richt frae tha stairt whut yins o thaim wudnae believe an wha ït wus that wud bethray hïm. 65He went on tae say, “That's why A toul ye that naebodie can cum tae me less ma Faither alloos ït.” 66Noo ower tha heid o aa thïs, monie o hïs follaers turnt thair baks on hïm an haed naethin mair tae dae wi hïm. 67“Yous wudnae be fer leain me tae, wud ye?” Jesus axt tha twal. 68Simon Petèr cum bak wi, “Loard, wha else wud we gang til? It's yersel haes tha wurds o ayelastin life. 69We houl an we ken fine weel that you ir tha Halie Yin o God!” 70An Jesus reponed, “Dïd A no pïck tha twal o ye? But fer aa that, yin o yis ïs a deil!” 71(He wus taakin aboot Judas, tha sinn o Simon Iscariot, that wus aboot tae bethray hïm, tha mair he wus yin o tha twal.)

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Jhone 6: USNT


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