John 16

Jesus Warns His Disciples
1“I have told you this so that you would not surrender to confusion or doubt. # 16:1 Or “so that you won’t have a trap laid for you.” The Aramaic is translated “so that you will not be crushed.” 2For you will be excommunicated from the synagogues, and a time is coming when you will be put to death by misguided ones who will presume to be doing God a great service by putting you to death. # 16:2 The Aramaic is “those who kill you will think they are presenting a holy offering to God.” 3And they will do these things because they don’t know anything about the Father or me. 4I’m telling you this now so that when their time comes you will remember that I foretold it. I didn’t tell you this in the beginning because I was still with you. 5But now that I’m about to leave you and go back to join the One who sent me, you need to be told. Yet, not one of you are asking me where I’m going. 6Instead your hearts are filled with sadness because I’ve told you these things. 7But here’s the truth: It’s to your advantage that I go away, for if I don’t go away the Divine Encourager # 16:7 Or “the Redeemer of the curse.” See the second footnote on John 14:16–17. will not be released to you. But after I depart, I will send him to you. 8And when he comes, he will expose sin and prove that the world is wrong about God’s righteousness and his judgments.
9“ ‘Sin,’ because they refuse to believe in who I am.
10“God’s ‘righteousness,’ because I’m going back to join the Father and you’ll see me no longer.
11“And ‘judgment’ because the ruler of this dark world has already received his sentence. # 16:11 In essence, “sin . . . righteousness . . . and judgment are related to three persons.” Sin is related to Adam, for it was through Adam that sin entered humanity (Rom. 5:12). Righteousness is related to Christ, because it comes through him, and he has become our righteousness (1 Cor. 1:30). Judgment is related to Satan, for the pure works of Christ bring judgment to the works of Satan. If we do not embrace Christ’s righteousness, we will share Satan’s judgment.
12“There is so much more I would like to say to you, but it’s more than you can grasp at this moment. 13But when the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth # 16:13 The Greek word for “truth” is “reality,” not “doctrine.” It is the application of truth that matters, not just a superficial knowledge. within you. He won’t speak on his own, but only what he hears from the Father, and he will reveal prophetically to you what is to come. 14He will glorify me on the earth, for he will receive from me what is mine # 16:14 As translated from the Aramaic. Or “he plants what is mine and shows it to you.” and reveal it to you. 15Everything that belongs to the Father belongs to me—that’s why I say that the Divine Encourager will receive what is mine and reveal it to you. 16Soon you won’t see me any longer, but then, after a little while, you will see me in a new way.” # 16:16 Jesus used two different Greek words for “see” in this verse. The Aramaic adds “because I go to my Father.”
17Some of the disciples asked each other, “What does he mean, ‘Soon you won’t see me,’ and, ‘A little while after that and you will see me in a new way’? And what does he mean, ‘Because I’m going to my Father’?” 18So they kept on repeating, “What’s the meaning of ‘a little while’? We have no clue what he’s talking about!”
19Jesus knew what they were thinking, and it was obvious that they were anxious to ask him what he had meant, # 16:19 Or “Are you asking each other what I meant when I told you, ‘A little while and you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me’?” so he spoke up and said, 20“Let me make it quite clear: You will weep and be overcome with grief over what happens to me. The unbelieving world will be happy, while you will be filled with sorrow. But know this, your sadness will turn into joy when you see me again! 21Just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains in delivering her baby, # 16:21 Or “because her time [for delivery] has come.” It is fascinating that Jesus spoke of the disciples in the terms of giving birth. Christ is being formed within us (Gal. 4:19). The church continues in “labor” today so that Jesus can be seen again through us. See Rev. 12:1–5. yet after the child is born she quickly forgets what she went through because of the overwhelming joy of knowing that a new baby has been born into the world.
22“So will you also pass through a time of intense sorrow when I am taken from you, but you will see me again! And then your hearts will burst with joy, with no one being able to take it from you! # 16:22 Jesus was referring to the prophecy of Isa. 66:7, 14. 23For here is eternal truth: When that time comes you won’t need to ask me for anything, but instead you will go directly to the Father and ask him for anything you desire and he will give it to you, because of your relationship with me. # 16:23 Or “he will give it to you in my name.” 24Until now you’ve not been bold enough to ask the Father for a single thing in my name, # 16:24 To ask in Jesus’ name is to ask in the name of “I AM.” We take all the fullness of Jesus (his name, his glory, his virtue) as the “I AM” of Ex. 3:14—because of our relationship with him. but now you can ask, and keep on asking him! And you can be sure that you’ll receive what you ask for, and your joy will have no limits!
25“I have spoken to you using figurative language, # 16:25 This is the Greek word paroimiais, which can mean obscure “figurative speech,” “analogies,” “parables,” “proverbs,” “metaphors,” or “allegory.” These were all utilized as Jesus’ preferred teaching method while on earth. See v. 29 and Matt. 13:34. but the time is coming when I will no longer teach you with veiled speech, but I will teach you about the Father with your eyes unveiled. # 16:25 As translated from the Aramaic. 26And I will not need to ask the Father on your behalf, for you’ll ask him directly because of your new relationship with me. # 16:26 Or “in my name.” 27For the Father tenderly loves you, because you love me and believe that I’ve come from God. 28I came to you sent from the Father’s presence, and I entered into the created world, and now I will leave this world and return to the Father’s side.”
29His disciples said, “At last you’re speaking to us clearly and not using veiled speech and metaphors! 30Now we understand that you know everything there is to know, and we don’t need to question you further. And everything you’ve taught us convinces us that you have come directly from God!”
31Jesus replied, “Now you finally believe in me. 32And the time has come when you will all be scattered, and each one of you will go your own way, leaving me alone! # 16:32 This will fulfill the prophecy of Zech. 13:7. Yet I am never alone, for the Father is always with me. 33And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, # 16:33 Or “cheer up!” for I have conquered the world!” # 16:33 Jesus has taken away the power this world has to defeat us and has conquered it for us. Peace is resting in his victory.

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John 16: TPT


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