Jeremiah 46

Prophecy against Egypt
1The words of Yahweh spoken through the prophet Jeremiah against the nations. # 46:1 Verse 1 serves as a summary of most of the final section of Jeremiah (chs. 46–51), which contains a number of prophecies against foreign nations. The background of ch. 46 can be found in 2 Kings 23:29. The Septuagint places this collection of oracles after Jer. 25. Jeremiah, like the prophets of old, saw Yahweh as the one who controlled the history of the world and the destiny of nations. See Isa. 13–23; Ezek. 25–32. 2This is a prophecy against the army of Pharaoh Neco # 46:2 Pharaoh Neco defeated and killed King Josiah at Megiddo in 609 BC. Later, he deposed Josiah’s successor, King Jehoahaz, and replaced him with Jehoiakim (see 2 Kings 23:29–34). Afterward, Pharaoh Neco clashed with Nebuchadnezzar, who defeated him in 605 BC. of Egypt at Carchemish # 46:2 Carchemish was the capital of the northern part of the region of Syria on the border of Turkey. Situated on the bank of the Euphrates, Carchemish was once the capital of the Hittite Empire. on the river Euphrates. King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians defeated the Egyptians in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah.
3Egypt’s commanders shout:
“Shields up, both large and small!
Onward to battle!
4Horsemen, harness the horses
and mount up!
Prepare for battle and put on your helmets!
Put on your armor
and sharpen your spears!”
5But Yahweh asks,
“What do I see?
The army breaking ranks and retreating?
Their heroes flee for their lives,
beaten, defeated, and terrified,
not once looking back.
6Don’t let the swift ones get away.
Stop the warriors from fleeing!
In the north near the Euphrates River,
they collapse, slain in battle.
7“Who is this that rises like the Nile, # 46:7 Jeremiah described the military activity of Egypt as a flood that covers the land. Isaiah used similar imagery to describe the invasion of Assyria over one hundred years earlier (see Isa. 8:6–8).
like a river in flood stage?
8Why, it’s Egypt that rose like the Nile,
like a river in flood stage.
It is prideful Pharaoh who says,
‘I will rise and cover the earth.
I will destroy cities and the people who live in them.’
9Go ahead, Egypt, tell your horsemen—‘Charge!’
And your chariots—‘Ride forth!’
March out your mighty warriors,
your hired soldiers from Ethiopia and Libya # 46:9 Or “Put,” a territory in north Africa, west of Egypt. See Ezek. 30:5.
with shield in hand,
your archers from Lydia # 46:9 Or “the Ludim,” a people of Africa (see Gen. 10:13 and the second footnote). Current scholarship identifies the Ludim as the Lydians. See Ezek. 30:5 and the third footnote. skilled with the bow.
10For this is the day of Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies,
a day when he takes vengeance on his foes.
The sword will devour until gorged,
until drunk on their blood.
For Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies,
is hosting a sacrificial feast
in the land of the north, by the river Euphrates.
11Go ahead—try to find some healing medicine in Gilead,
you frail, unfortunate people of Egypt! # 46:11 Or “virgin daughter of Egypt.”
None of your medicine will do you any good.
12The nations have heard of your humiliation;
all the world has heard your scream.
For your warriors stumble over each other.
No one escapes with his life.”
Nebuchadnezzar Invades Egypt
13This is the message Yahweh spoke to the prophet Jeremiah about Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon advancing to strike Egypt.
14“Tell this throughout Egypt;
proclaim it in the cities of Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpanhes.
Say to them, ‘Stand your ground, grab your weapons,
for the war will destroy everything around you.’
15Why has your mighty god Apis # 46:15 Apis (or Hapi) was the sacred bull worshiped in Memphis and called Egypt’s “strong one.” He was associated with the solar cult and was known for the sun disk between his horns. fled?
Why did your bull-idol topple over?
Yahweh, the true God, has overthrown him.
16Yahweh made many stumble and fall.
Falling over each other,
they say, ‘Get up! Go back to our own people,
to our homeland,
and get away from our enemies’ devastating sword!’
17They have given a nickname to Pharaoh, king of Egypt—
‘The Loudmouth Who Missed His Opportunity!’
18“As surely as I am the King, the Living God,
whose name is Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies,
I declare that there is one coming # 46:18 That is, Nebuchadnezzar. who
will tower over you
like Mount Tabor towers over the hills,
and like Mount Carmel # 46:18 Mount Carmel stands at 1,790 feet (546 meters) above sea level and is on the coast of northern Israel at the end of the Jezreel Valley. stands high above the sea.
19Get your bags packed to go into exile,
fair people of Egypt.
Memphis will be reduced to a desert,
a desolate, uninhabited wasteland.
20Egypt was a lovely, splendid heifer,
but a stinging fly # 46:20 Or “horsefly.” The Hebrew word qerets, a hapax legomenon, comes from a verb meaning “to nip [bite, cut].” from the north has settled on her.
21The mercenaries she had with her
were like pampered, fattened calves,
but they, too, turned and ran away;
they failed to stand and fight.
For the day has come when Yahweh
will bring disaster and punishment to them.
22Egypt hisses like a snake crawling away, # 46:22 The simile of a snake fleeing is pointed, since the snake was a common icon on the royal insignia of Egypt.
as her enemies advance in force
and attack her with axes
like woodsmen chopping down trees.
23They shall cut down her impenetrable forest,”
declares Yahweh,
“because they are more numerous than locusts;
they are without number.
24Fair Egypt will be put to shame.
I will give her over to the power of a nation from the north.”
25Yahweh, God of Israel, Commander of Angel Armies, says: “Behold, I will punish Amon, # 46:25 Or “Amun.” This refers to the patron deity of Thebes, who was worshiped as the sun god. Amon later merged with Ra to become Amon-Ra, the chief deity of Egypt. the god of the Egyptians in the city of Thebes. # 46:25 Or “the city of No,” modern-day Luxor. Thebes was the ancient capital of Upper Egypt in the south. The invasion of Babylon would begin in the north (Memphis) and continue to the south (Thebes). See Nah. 3:8. Yes, I will punish Egypt, her gods, her rulers, Pharaoh, and those who put their trust in him. 26I will hand them over to those who seek their lives, to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and his commanders. But afterward, Egypt will be inhabited again as in the past,” declares Yahweh.
God Will Save His People
27“Do not yield to fear, my servant Jacob.
Israel, do not be alarmed.
For I will rescue you and your descendants
from that foreign land in which you are held captive.
You will return and live in peace, # 46:27 See Hos. 6:1–3.
safe and secure, with no one to make you afraid.”
28Yahweh declares to you, “My servant Jacob,
Do not be afraid, for I am with you and will save you.
Someday, I will bring destruction to all the nations
where I have driven you,
but I will not destroy you.
Let me assure you, I will discipline you
but in moderation.
I will not allow you to go entirely unpunished.”

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Jeremiah 46: TPT


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