Jeremiah 31

Israel Returns to Her Homeland
1“At that time,” Yahweh declares, “I will be the true God of every family of Israel, # 31:1 That is, not just the northern tribes but every clan and tribe of Israel. and they will be my very own people.” 2Yahweh says:
“My people who survived the slaughter and the sword
found grace in their difficult wilderness.
I am bringing Israel to her rest.”
3Yahweh appeared to me from another realm # 31:3 Or “appeared to him [LXX] from far off” or “from long ago.” This was apparently a supernatural manifestation of God before the prophet Jeremiah. However, some believe it was God appearing to Moses before the burning presence or to Israel at Mount Sinai. and said,
“I have deeply loved you with a forever-love;
that is why I have been so patient and kind
to draw you to my heart. # 31:3 See Hos. 11:4; Eph. 1:4.
4You are precious to me, # 31:4 Or “Virgin Israel”; that is, Israel is as precious to God as a young daughter. and I will build # 31:4 The Hebrew word for “build” here has a double meaning: (1) This is the same word used when God shaped (formed) a woman (see Gen. 2:22); in the same way, now he will build virgin Israel into a complete individual. (2) It also refers to the reconstruction of the nation. you up again.
Yes, Israel, you will be rebuilt!
Once more, you will be decked out in your best attire,
take up your tambourines,
and go out dancing with great joy.
5Once more you will plant vineyards
on the mountains of Samaria,
and those who plant them will enjoy the fruit. # 31:5 See Lev. 19:23–25.
6Yes, there will be a day when the watchmen cry out
on the mountains of Samaria, # 31:6 Or “Ephraim.” This is a metonymy for the Northern Kingdom located in Samaria. The great division between the Northern Kingdom and Judah will be healed as the regathered Jews return to the land as one and worship in Jerusalem (Zion).
‘Come on! Let’s go up to Zion
to meet with Yahweh our God and worship him!’ ”
7For Yahweh says:
“Sing with joyous delight for Israel! # 31:7 Or “Jacob.”
Yes, shout out praise for the foremost of the nations. # 31:7 Or “head of the nations.” This expression had been used since the time of Amos to refer to the nation of Israel (see Amos 6:1).
Yahweh, save your people,
the remnant of Israel.
Proclaim the news! Praise him! Shout it out!’
8Watch, as I bring them back
from the land of the north
and gather them from the ends of the earth.
Even the blind and the lame will be among them.
Expectant mothers, women about to give birth,
will come and be a part of that great homecoming. # 31:8 The regathering of the Jews to Israel would lead those for whom the journey would be difficult (i.e., “blind . . . lame. . . . Expectant mothers, women about to give birth”) home from across lands and seas.
9They will return praying with tears # 31:9 The weeping would likely include both tears of joy and tears of repentance.
as I lead them home.
I will guide them to streams of water,
by a smooth path where they will not stumble.
For I am Israel’s Father,
and Ephraim # 31:9 In this context, Ephraim is synonymous with Israel. See Ex. 4:22; see also Ps. 89:27 (“my firstborn son”). is my firstborn son.
10“Listen, nations, to the word of Yahweh.
Proclaim it on the distant coastlands, saying,
‘He who scattered Israel will gather him.
Like a shepherd guards his flock,
Yahweh watches over his people.’
11For Yahweh has ransomed the people of Israel # 31:11 Or “Jacob.”
and rescued them from an enemy stronger than themselves.
12They will come, singing for joy on the heights of Zion,
and the goodness of Yahweh will make them radiant.
Yahweh will bless them with grain, new wine,
olive oil, flocks, and herds.
They will be prosperous
and grow like a well-watered garden,
with no reason to be discouraged.
13The young girls, the young men, and the elderly
will dance and celebrate together.
I will turn their sad memories into gladness.
I will give them joy after all their trouble
and will be their comfort.”
14Yahweh says,
“I will refresh the desire # 31:14 Or “soul” (Hb. nepesh), a frequent reference to the seat of desire within people. of my priests with abundance # 31:14 Or “fat.”
and lavish gifts on my people
until they are more than satisfied.”
New Mercy Given to Israel
15Yahweh says,
“In Ramah # 31:15 Ramah means “a height.” The town of Ramah in the territory of Benjamin on the border between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, about five miles (eight kilometers) north of Jerusalem. voices are crying;
it is the sound of wailing and bitter weeping.
Rachel # 31:15 Rachel was the wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph (see Gen. 30:22–24) and Benjamin (see Gen. 35:16–18). Her name is used here as a metonymy, representing all Israel. Jacob buried Rachel by the roadside near Ramah. Jewish legend states that Rachel wept for all the exiles (her children) who were taken from the land to Babylon as they passed by her roadside tomb. is mourning for her children,
and she refuses to let anyone comfort her over her loss,
because her children are no more.” # 31:15 See Matt. 2:18.
16Yahweh says,
“Stop weeping and wipe away your tears!
For I will reward you for raising your children,”
declares Yahweh,
“and they will return from the land of their enemies.
17There is a door of hope for your future after all, # 31:17 See Jer. 29:11; Hos. 2:14–15. The Babylonian captivity was their “door of hope.” Even in Israel’s difficult situation, God was making himself available to them. So it is with us today. We should see our difficulties as “doors of hope” into a greater grace and miracle power from God to transform troubles into triumphs.
your children will return to their homeland,”
declares Yahweh.
18“I have heard it! The people of Israel moaning,
‘You disciplined us like young, untamed bulls,
but you broke us, and we’ve learned to obey.
Bring us back, Yahweh; let us come home,
for you are our God.
19Although we turned away, we have repented.
You made us aware of our guilt, and we hung our heads, # 31:19 Or “struck our thighs,” as a sign of sorrow.
for we were deeply ashamed and humiliated,
and we bear the disgrace of our youth.’ ”
20Yahweh replies,
“Ephraim, # 31:20 That is, Israel. “Ephraim” is a metonymy for the entire Northern Kingdom of Israel taken into exile. God calls them by this name, which means “doubly fruitful.” you are still my child no matter what you’ve done;
you are still my beloved children,
my very precious children. # 31:20 Or “child of [my] delights.”
Even though I rebuke you,
my thoughts are filled with love. # 31:20 Or “remembering, I remember him [Israel] still.”
That is why I am so deeply moved with compassion, # 31:20 Or “my inward parts [emotions] rumble.” It is hard to imagine a more tender, loving passage of Scripture than v. 20. God’s love for those who fail him is in focus here.
for I long for you and have mercy in my heart for you,”
declares Yahweh.
21“Set up your signposts and road markers
to find your way home.
Take note of the pathway,
and remember the road by which you went.
Come home, my beloved Israel;
return to your own cities.
22Faithless one,
how long will you hesitate?
For Yahweh is creating something new on earth.
A woman will rescue a warrior!” # 31:22 Or “a female surrounds a [strong] man.” This is likely a proverb of a significant role reversal. Although not difficult to translate, the meaning of the text is elusive. One possible interpretation is that the “woman” (Israel) will seek union with God (the “warrior”). Or the woman (Israel) will become stronger than the man (Babylon).
Restoration and Prosperity
23Yahweh, the God of Israel, Commander of Angel Armies, says, “This blessing will once again be heard throughout Judah and its towns when I bring their captives home:
“ ‘May Yahweh bless
the Holy Place where he lives,
O holy mountain of Jerusalem!’ # 31:23 That is, the Temple Mount. See Zech. 8:3.
24“People throughout Judah and her towns will live together in peace, both the farmers and shepherds with their flocks. 25For I will refresh the weary soul and satisfy all those who have given up on life.”
26At this, I awoke and realized
that my sleep had been sweet to me. # 31:26 This was the trance, or “sleep,” of ecstasy. Jeremiah received visions and messages in this divine sleep that was, indeed, sweet.
Israel and Judah
27“Look, the days are coming,” Yahweh declares, “when I will repopulate the land of Israel and Judah with both people and livestock. # 31:27 Or “I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and the seed of animals [livestock].” 28I have watched over them to uproot, to knock down, to overthrow, destroy, and bring calamity, so now, I will carefully watch over them as they start over again and rebuild. And I will help them grow,” declares Yahweh.
29“In those days, people will no longer quote the proverb:
‘Children must pay the consequences of their fathers’ sins.’ # 31:29 Or “The fathers eat the sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge [blunted].”
30“Rather, everyone who eats sour grapes will have a stomachache. Each one will be responsible for their own sins.” # 31:30 See Ezek. 18:2–4.
The New Covenant
31Yahweh declares: “Look, the days are coming when I will enter into a brand-new covenant # 31:31 Verses 31–34 are some of the most important verses in all the Old Testament. They speak of a future new covenant unlike the old one established at Sinai and based on people’s obedience to God’s laws. The new covenant imparts a new heart and empowers one to fulfill God’s desires. God gives a new, faithful heart to follow him. This is the new covenant that Jesus Christ initiated at the Last Supper with the cup (his blood) and the bread (his body). This new covenant has been ratified and confirmed and forever supersedes the covenant made at Sinai. The Sinai covenant required perfect obedience, but the new covenant extends perfect forgiveness and removes the guilt, stain, and power of sin. The first was written on stones, the second on tender hearts. with the people of Israel and Judah. 32It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt. They broke that covenant even though I was their husband,” declares Yahweh. 33“No, this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel when the time has come,” declares Yahweh. “I will embed my law into the core of their being and write it on their hearts and minds. # 31:33 This is not the law of letters but the law of life. It is not written with ink or etched in stone but written by the Spirit in the core of our inner being. The “law” he puts within us is himself. God puts himself in us as life, and his life is the law he embeds within us. Then I will truly be their God, and they will truly be my people. 34None of them will have to teach their friends or family, saying, ‘Come and know Yahweh intimately!’ No, from the least to the greatest, they will all know me intimately,” Yahweh declares, “for I will remove their guilt and wipe their sin from my memory.” # 31:34 See Heb. 8:6–12; 10:16–17. Since God has forgiven believers of every sin, to know God is to forgive others and to not remember their sins. In this way, we live out our redemption in Christ.
God’s Plan Is as Certain as the Laws of Nature
35“I am Yahweh All-Powerful.
I declare to you:
I order the sun to light up the day,
the stars and moon to brighten the night.
I stir the sea and make the ocean waves roar.
My name is Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies.
36Just as this established order will not pass away,
so I will never let Israel cease from being a nation. # 31:36 God’s preservation of the Jewish people is recognized as one of the greatest miracles of history.
“I, Yahweh, have spoken.
37It is impossible for you to measure the heavens above
or to fathom the foundations of the earth below.
In the same way, it is impossible for me
to reject my people Israel,
no matter what they have done,”
declares Yahweh.
Jerusalem Magnificently Rebuilt
38“Look, the days are coming when the people will rebuild Jerusalem # 31:38 Or “the city.” for me,” declares Yahweh. “They will rebuild it from the northeast Tower of Hananel to the northwest Corner Gate. # 31:38 See 2 Kings 14:13; 2 Chron. 26:9; Zech. 14:10. 39And the measuring line will stretch out farther to the Gareb Hill, turning then to Goah. # 31:39 The locations of Gareb Hill and Goah are uncertain. Scholars generally agree, however, that Gareb Hill is likely at the southwestern corner of the city. A few scholars identify Gareb Hill with the hill above the Hinnom Valley (see Josh. 15:8; 18:16) or possibly the hill Josephus cites as “Bezetha” (The Wars of the Jews, 5.149). It is possible that the Hebrew word for “Gareb” (Hb. garab) could also be translated “leprosy,” thus “Leprosy Hill.” 40And the entire Hinnom Valley, with its bones and ashes, and all the fields as far as the brook Kidron, to the corner of the Horse Gate # 31:40 The Horse Gate was at the southeast corner of the city (see 2 Kings 11:16; 2 Chron. 23:15; Neh. 3:28). eastward, will be consecrated and sacred to Yahweh. # 31:40 Even the place of despicable acts, such as human sacrifice, God will redeem and consecrate to himself. Nothing and no one is beyond the reach of a loving, holy God. Jerusalem will never be overthrown or destroyed again.”

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Jeremiah 31: TPT


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