Ezekiel 32

Parable of the Sea Monster
1In the twelfth year of our captivity, on the first day of the twelfth month, # 32:1 This was probably March 3, 585 BC; however, there are some Hebrew manuscripts and ancient translations that read “in the eleventh year.” Yahweh spoke to me, saying, 2“Son of man, give a solemn warning # 32:2 Or “a lamentation” or “a doom-song” without pity. to Pharaoh king of Egypt. Say to him:
“ ‘You are like a young lion prowling among the nations,
or like a sea monster lurking in your lagoons! # 32:2 See Ezek. 29:3 and footnote.
You churn up the water with your trampling
and muddy their streams.
3Lord Yahweh says to you:
I will throw my net over you using a large group of nations.
They will drag you to shore in my net,
and I will leave you high and dry.
4I will fling you onto the open field and abandon you on the ground.
I will gather all the birds of the air to feast on your flesh,
and all the beasts of the earth will gorge themselves on you.
5I will scatter bits and pieces of your flesh on the hills
and fill the valleys with your rotting corpse.
6I will drench the land with your oozing blood
until it fills the ravines
and spreads to the base of the mountains.
7When I snuff you out, I will hide the skies
and darken the stars.
I will cover the sun with clouds
and turn off the moonlight.
8Heaven’s bright lights above you I will darken
and shroud your land in darkness.
I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken.
9“ ‘I will trouble the hearts of many peoples when I spread the news of your destruction to nations and lands unknown to you. 10What I do to you will stun many nations. When I brandish my sword before them all, their kings will shudder with horror at your fate. On the day they see you fall, each will tremble in terror, fearing your fate might become theirs!
11“ ‘For Lord Yahweh says to Egypt: The king of Babylon is coming to attack you! 12I will cause your great army to fall by the swords of mighty warriors. They are the most barbaric of nations. They will slice the pride of Egypt into pieces, and all your people will be destroyed. 13I will also slaughter your livestock grazing beside the plentiful waters. No person or animal will muddy the water in the watering places with their feet and hooves. 14Then I will settle their waters and make their rivers flow as smoothly as oil. I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken.
15“ ‘When I reduce Egypt to a desolate wasteland and strip the land of all it contains, when I annihilate all who live there, then they will acknowledge that I am Yahweh.
16“ ‘This is the funeral song that people will sing in mourning for Egypt. Women of other nations will sing in lament for it. They will utter a lamentation for the land of Egypt and all its many people. I, Lord Yahweh, decree it!’ ”
Another Funeral Song for Egypt
17In the twelfth year of our captivity, on the fifteenth day of the twelfth month, # 32:17 The words “the twelfth month” are missing from the Hebrew text. One ancient translation and the Greek Septuagint read “the first month,” but that is unlikely since that would mean this prophecy came before the previous one (see v. 1). Yahweh spoke to me, saying, 18“Son of man, weep and mourn for the vast population of Egypt, and for the other mighty nations. For I will send them down to the world below with all who sink into the pit. # 32:18 Or “Son of man, weep and mourn for the people of Egypt and send them, her and the daughter of majestic nations, to the underworld.”
19Tell them, ‘Egypt, are you more favored than the other nations? Down with you! Go down and make your bed with the uncircumcised dead, 20with those who have been slaughtered by the sword! I will hand you and all your people over to the sword, and they will drag you away. 21From the depths of Sheol, # 32:21 That is, the underworld. See Ezek. 31:15 and first footnote. the mightiest heroes, # 32:21 Or “the rams, the mighty ones,” a likely figure of speech for the kings of powerful nations who are welcoming Pharaoh to the underworld. your allies, will shout to you, “Now they have come down. They have joined us among the uncircumcised dead, slaughtered by the sword.”
22“ ‘Assyria is there with all her hordes, with the graves of her soldiers all around her. They fell on the battlefield, slaughtered by the sword. 23They made their graves in the deepest part of the pit. Her hordes surround her grave; they were all slaughtered! Those who once spread their terror throughout the world of the living now lie silent, slaughtered by the sword.
24“ ‘Elam # 32:24 Elam existed as a nation as early as 3000 BC. The territory the Elamites occupied was east of the Tigris River and is now part of Iran. The capital city was Susa, which is where the story of Esther took place. The nation was destroyed in 640 BC when the Assyrians captured Susa, which ended the Elamite kingdom. See Jer. 49:34–39. is there, along with the graves of all her hordes. They were slaughtered—fallen by the sword. Those who once spread their terror throughout the land of the living have now joined the uncircumcised dead in the depths of the underworld. They have been disgraced and ashamed with those who sink into the pit. 25They have made a grave for her among her slaughtered multitudes, surrounded by all their tombs, all of them uncircumcised, slaughtered by the sword for having spread terror throughout the land of the living. They have carried their shame with them, with all those who sink into the pit. They have been placed among the slaughtered.
26“ ‘Meshech and Tubal # 32:26 See Gen. 10:2 and footnotes. are in the graveyard with their hordes all around their graves. They are all the uncircumcised dead, slaughtered by the sword for having spread their terror throughout the land of the living. 27They were not buried with the great warriors of ancient times. When the mighty warriors died, they went into Sheol wearing all their armor. When people buried them, they placed their swords under their heads and their shields # 32:27 The Hebrew (Masoretic) text has ‘awonotam, meaning “their iniquities,” which makes little or no sense in this context. There is a proposed conjectural emendation: sinnatam, meaning “their shields,” which makes much better sense in that an item of military armor is expected to follow the mention of “their swords under their heads.” on top of their bodies because these valiant heroes once terrorized the land of the living. 28And you, Pharaoh, will be broken and lie among the uncircumcised, with those slaughtered by the sword.
29“ ‘Edom is there, her kings and all her rulers, who, despite their might, have been buried with those slaughtered by the sword. They lie with the uncircumcised, with those who sink into the pit.
30“ ‘All the princes of the north # 32:30 The “princes [rulers] of the north” likely refers to the leaders of the Phoenician city-states to the north of Israel. and all the Sidonians are there. They have gone down in disgrace with the slaughtered because their powerful armies once terrified their enemies. They lie among the uncircumcised dead, those slaughtered by the sword who bear their shame with those who sink into the pit.
31“ ‘When Pharaoh and all his army see them, it will bring him some consolation at the sight of all his hordes killed by the sword. I, Yahweh, decree it! 32Although I made him spread terror throughout the land of the living, # 32:32 The Hebrew text makes God, not Pharaoh, the ultimate cause of the terror. he and all his hordes will be buried with the uncircumcised dead who were slaughtered by the sword. I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken.’ ”

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Ezekiel 32: TPT


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