મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને Isaiah 60:3થી સંબંધિત મનન

Gospel Driven Ambition
3 Days
As Christians, is it possible to be ambitious in our work and still have our self-worth and identity firmly rooted in Jesus Christ? The world tells us that the point of work is to make a name for ourselves and accumulate fame and fortune. But as we'll see in this 3-day plan, the gospel replaces these improper ambitions with motivations to work to glorify God and serve others.

Dawn Is Coming
3 days
In the midst of all manner of darkness and uncertainty, hope and courage can be found as we wait for the sunrise of our soul, the Light of the World. Based on themes from “Dawn is Coming”, the latest album from Fresh Life Worship, this 3-day devotional points to that inevitable new day. Fresh Life Worship is based out of Fresh Life Church and led by Pastor Levi Lusko.

And The Gentiles Shall Come To Thy Light
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming, wisdom-filled leadership devotional. Let God’s Light shine through you. Let His Light shine through the work of your hands. Let His Light shine through you behind closed doors and in public. Let His Light shine through your character. Let His Light shine through your career. Choose to reflect Christ in every area of your life as you read this powerful message.

Holding on to Hope
3 Days
Do you ever lose hope? Perhaps feeling unappreciated or undervalued by the world? The core of these guided meditations is hope. I pray these reflections will help you rediscover your faith and hope to follow the righteous path. Find your identity by being a servant of Christ and not a servant to the world. Remember, you are blessed and favored in the eyes of God. The only eyes that matter.

Jesus the Creator, Carpenter, Gardener, and King
4 Days
Jesus reveals himself in Scripture as creator (at the beginning of time), carpenter (with his birth into the home of Joseph), gardener (at the resurrection), and king (in the new Jerusalem). This plan will lead you to a deeper appreciation for each of these appearances and what they mean for the work you do each day.

Beyond Saving Souls
4 Days
Jesus talked about his “Kingdom” fifteen times more than he talked about personal salvation. As important as sharing the gospel is, there are many ways in which your work can contribute to God’s mission for the world. In this plan, we will explore four of the ways your work matters for eternity beyond “saving souls.”

Four Gifts of Christmas
4 Days
When the Magi found Jesus, they honored Him with gifts: Gold for the everlasting King, Frankincense for the Wonderful Counsellor, Myrrh for the Mighty Warrior, and Worship for the Prince of Peace. How will you honor Him today?

A Christmas Prophecy Devotional
5 Days
There’s much more to the Christmas story than what is written in the gospels. In fact, the Christmas story starts in Genesis. Threads of the story of the Messiah are woven throughout the entire Old Testament, and the hope of a Redeemer is written on the souls of mankind. Journey through just a few of over 400 prophecies of the Messiah in this 5 Day prayer devotional, and gain a richer view of King Jesus this Christmas.

The Prophet's Manual
5 Days
Learn from these daily readings how to fan the flame of your prophetic flow and endure the journey of operating in the prophetic gift. This devotional is based on The Prophet's Manual by Apostle John Eckhardt.

Called To Influence
5 Days
Have you ever considered that God’s missional plan for you most likely sits in your everyday life, which includes the many hours spent at work? Only a small percentage of Christians are called to full time church ministry but we are all instructed to ‘go and make disciples’. Wherever God has positioned you, this is where you are called to influence. You may ask, “Who am I to influence?” and “How do I do this in practice?” Let’s explore these questions together over the next 5 days.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 9)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 9 of 12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows!

Bearing Witness to the Truth of Christ in a Pluralistic, Globalized World
5 Days
Bearing Witness to the Truth of Christ in a Pluralistic, Globalized World

Called To Influence
5 days
God’s missional plan for you most likely sits in your everyday life, which includes the many hours spent at work. By radically changing the way you think about work and partnering with God daily, you can experience greater job satisfaction as you bring Kingdom influence and cultural transformation to those around you. Let us explore how you might bring the culture of Heaven at work over the next 5 days.

The Way of the Kingdom
5 Days
God is awakening His Church, and we need to see the big picture. When times get tough, we will be tempted to quit. It is not, however, time to quit. Join us as we learn how to read the times we are in, as well as gain strategies on how to stand and advance the Kingdom of God.

Becoming a Next-Level Believer
5 Days
Next-level believers are anointed to influence every sphere of society and represent God on the earth. Passionate and proactive rather than passive, they engage the surrounding culture in their cities, regions and nations and push back darkness with the Kingdom of God’s light. With God-given power and authority, next-level believers arise as the Church and enforce the victories Christ won at Calvary, setting the enemy’s captives free along the way.

Enjoying God in Everything: A 5-Day Study by Steve Dewitt
5 Days
The experience of beauty does something profound and powerful within the heart and soul of every human being. We were made by God but also for Him and His beauty. Pastor Steve DeWitt invites us to taste and see how God is the beauty behind all beauty.

Arise and Shine
5 Days
People often say, “Give God your burdens.” Do you ever wonder: How do I do that? The brokenness of the world feels too heavy. And as much as you desire to shine the light of Jesus, you wonder what that looks like when you struggle to see the light yourself. This devotional looks at how we can be lights for Jesus even when our own world feels dark.

Work in Heaven
5 Days
There’s a lot that we don’t know about work in heaven and on the New Earth. But there’s also a lot that we do know. In this devotional plan, we’ll unpack five under-explored biblical truths about our eternal vocation and what they mean for our work today!

Peace Be With You!
6 Days
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. The peace He gave us is different from the world's. But, what does peace actually mean to us? How does it translate into our lives? Is it tied to our goals? Do we see it as a cause or as an effect? Well, peace is a daily pursuit, a master key. Let's learn how to use it in our life journey.

Fulfilling Your Purpose: How Knowing Who You Are Can Change Your World
7 days
Jesus called His followers to be salt and light in this world. Many people think that means telling people the Good News of salvation—a great thing to do, of course—but it often leads to intimidating, fruitless conversations. What if the key to drawing people to Jesus is knowing who we really are in him? Learn to grow into your true identity.

Unveiling God's Shine
7 Days
“May God make his face shine on you” is not sentimental cliché. It’s a powerful statement of the intimate relationship God wants people to experience in his presence. The blessing authored by God himself was audacious in the historical context in which it was given and it encapsulates a shocking (and wonderful) future hope of relating to God face-to-face. It calls us to reflect his shine into the world.

Accessing The Riches Of Heaven
7 Days
Most of us know that heaven will be glorious—we will be in the presence of Jesus with peace and great abundance. But did you know that we don’t have to wait to experience God’s riches? Bestselling author Patricia King dives into Scripture to show that God cares for the needs of His children. He has an abundant supply—and wants to share it with you here and now!

Saints With Addison Bevere
7 Days
The Bible uses the word Christian to describe followers of Jesus a total of three times. But there’s another identifier that fills the pages of the New Testament—a word we’ve mistakenly reserved for the halo-wearing elite, losing something profound in the process. Saints. Wrapped in this ancient word is an invitation to discover who God created you to be and awaken to the life you were meant to know.

The Mystery of the Magi
7 days
The Magi’s role in the Christmas narrative resonates across the centuries. However, their spiritual and historical significance reaches far beyond the decorative mangers and religious portrayal as the “three wise men.” In looking at the way God used the Magi as part of His redemptive plan, you will see their story with new eyes.