મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને Genesis 6:9થી સંબંધિત મનન

Living Out God's Goodness
3 Days
At times you may feel as if you're the only one who is doing good toward others. You think, "Hey is anybody else out there helping anyone?" Galatians 6:9-10 is a good reminder when you are feeling this way.

Vision: Pictures Say 1000 Words
4 Days
Do you have a vision but you're not quite sure what to do with it? The fulfillment of a calling starts with clarity of the Vision. In this devotional, we will dive into Nehemiah Chapter 1 and look at the difference between a dream and a vision and how Nehemiah modeled what it looks like for us to steward the vision God gives us on this earth.

Clear Vision: Fulfilling What God Reveals to You by Faith
4 Days
What has God been showing you lately? Has He been revealing your purpose, truth, or potential opportunities? Wherever you are, you need to know that God has a plan for your life and that He wants to show you how to accomplish it with a clear vision. In this devotional you will discover how Biblical characters before you fulfilled God's vision successfully, and how can you, too!

Heroes of the Faith, Part 1
4 Days
How can the heroes of the Bible inspire us to greatness? Join us in this four-day reading plan as Kristi Krauss motivates us with Abel's great faith, Enoch's walk with God, Noah's lifelong obedience, and Abraham's amazing strength. Don't be surprised if these testimonies transform your life.

NOAH: A 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
Noah’s story is one of the most well known in human history. His unswerving obedience and unique relationship with God is an epic example of the importance of personal faith. Inspired by NOAH, Sight&Sound;’s landmark production, this five-day study offers a glimpse into the man who was willing to do whatever God asked—even building an ark.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–1–In The Beginning
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Begin with the first part "In the Beginning." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Victorious Families
5 Days
One of our top priorities should be taking care of our home. If the world tries to break up our family, we must fight to restore it by asking God for direction. How then, in times of destruction, can we restore our families? In this devotional, we will reflect on how Noah's family overcame and fled destruction by edifying their home.

Legacy of Leaders
5 Days
Jesus redefined the concept of leadership when He stated, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others.” From Legacy of Leaders, iDisciple Publishing’s latest release from author Robert Noland, this five-day study encourages and challenges men to allow God to show them what His leadership can look like in their lives and become the leader He created them to be.

Getting Good With Money
5 Days
This 5-day plan will inspire, encourage, and equip readers to achieve their financial goals and be good stewards of what they have. It does more than just tell you "how to budget" book, this is the start of a comprehensive roadmap to financial freedom. Based on the book Getting Good with Money by Jessi Fearon.

Discover God’s Goodness When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned
5 Days
This wasn’t part of the plan. The story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this. If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are that your story has shifted in some unexpected way. This five-day devotional by Sarah Frazer looks at Moses’ story to help you discover how God is working in the twists and turns in your story.

Girl Read Your Bible
5 Days
This Guided Bible Reading Plan is designed to help you take your Bible reading experience to the next level. If you’ve ever read the Bible and been completely confused, this plan is for you. Within this plan each day you’re equipped with a full summary filled with context so you can have deeper clarity as you read through the book of Genesis.

Amazing Stories - God’s Power
5 Days
Amazing Stories is a series of animated videos featuring Bible stories that share God’s redemptive narrative across all Scripture. A short, animated video about God's mighty power tells an Old Testament story for each day of the five-part plan.

Noah: A Covenant With Humanity
5 Days
God chose Noah to assume the important role as the “second father” of all humanity. Explore the meaning of the covenant in Noah’s time and the significance of this binding agreement with God in our world today.

Learning To Trust God In Everything
6 Days
Do you ever worry? Do you ever doubt God’s promises? Is obeying God sometimes hard? Noah could relate to you. This devotional gives insights from his story into learning how to trust God in faith. Features interactive questions and activities for you to do with your children. Written in partnership with OneHope. Videos taken from Stained Glass, a new game in the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

6 Days
One of the most well-known faith heroes of Scripture, Noah is called to an extraordinary life of faith, struggle, and intimacy with God, just like you. We hope this series helps challenge and equip you to build your “ark” unto the Lord.

Faith Of Our Fathers
7 Days
What does true, genuine faith look like? Go deeper in your faith by studying a different person from faith's "Hall of Fame" in Hebrews 11. Examine the fearful, reverent faith of Noah; the obedient, hopeful faith of Abraham; the impossible faith of Sarah; the worshipping faith of Jacob; the self-denying faith of Moses; and the saving faith of Rahab.

You Are No Accident
7 Days
We have all at some point, asked the question – what is the purpose of my existence? At other times we have also run from what we know we are called to do. This seven-day reading plan reminds us that God has created each one of us and that not one of us is an accident. It also encourages to seek Him and live out His will each day.

Praying the Psalms
7 Days
Reading and praying the Psalms is a humble pilgrimage. The various authors, including King David, share their innermost thoughts and struggles in their relationships with others and the One True God. They doubt. They ask questions. They marvel. They believe. Don’t we do the same? Ancient writings? Yes. But relevant for each of us today. Each day’s study includes an option to pray through that day’s Psalm with grace-filled intentionality.

The Remnant
7 Days
God always preserves a remnant of true believers in an unbelieving world. They are his faithful witnesses who stand against the world’s systems, fleshly appetites, and devilish schemes. Often they stand alone facing floods, fires, lions, and giants, in order to faithfully follow God. In this seven-day plan, reconsider some of your favorite biblical stories through the eyes of the believing and courageous remnant.

Men of the Bible
7 Days
The Bible is full of stories about interesting men who loved the Lord and stepped fully into His plan and purpose for their lives! This plan covers a few of these men, so read along. Be inspired and ask the Lord what you can learn through their stories and how He wants to use you!

RAW Spirituality
8 Days
RAW Spirituality is a journey through the encounters of men with God before any religious establishment. At that time, encountering God was wild, personal, rugged and raw. Spirituality is more about relationship than religion. The men of ancient times experienced this firsthand, and their stories still encourage us to this day to encounter God in similar ways.

Families Used by God in the Bible
8 Days
These devotionals explores how God used families in the Bible to fulfill His purposes. Each day will highlight a biblical family, revealing how their story demonstrates God's faithfulness, redemption, and love. Through these examples, may you be encouraged to see God's hand at work in your own family.

The Leader's SEEcret
10 Days
Leading is a difficult task, but the most important thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. In this 10-day devotional, Skip Garmo presents some of the most common problems and questions that leaders and disciple-makers face and talks about them from a biblical perspective.

You Can Understand the Book of Genesis
10 Days
It's easy to dismiss the book of Genesis without engaging in the text beyond creation and the fall. But understanding the book of Genesis is crucial to understanding the rest of the Bible. In Genesis, we find the very foundation of our faith, not just the origin of man, but also the origin of God's plan for redemption. Creation is just the beginning.