મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને Esther 5:2થી સંબંધિત મનન

Prayers to Pursue Your Purpose
3 Days
Unlock your divine purpose with this 3-day devotional that transforms fear into faith. Through biblical examples like Esther and Joshua, discover how God has already equipped you for your calling. Each day features relatable reflections, inspiring scripture, and heartfelt prayers to help you step boldly into your God-given destiny.

Tension At Work
4 Days
The tensions that arise between people at work can break important relationships, hurt your career, and ruin your ability to share your Christian faith with coworkers. This plan uses Esther’s example to teach you a healthy approach to addressing workplace conflict and even turn it into an influence booster.

Overcome Adversity At Work
4 Days
We will all face adversity at work. How we handle adversity makes a big difference in the outcomes for our work and our relationships. This plan will help you find peace so you can face the uncertainty that comes with challenging circumstances with poise and wisdom.

The Good, Bad & Ugly
5 Days
ALL things are working for your good! As a believer, we are constantly faced with trials in our lives. Sometimes we may think that God is being unfair to us or may have even forgotten about us, but as we review the life of Queen Esther, I trust you will have a God perspective when the storms are raging, and fires keep igniting because ALL things are working for your good.

Purpose Over Panic: Embracing Your Call During Crisis
5 Days
There is no greater crossroad we will ever encounter in our Christian walk than choosing to follow Christ over culture! Each of us will be faced with the decision to pursue our purpose amid chaos. As times become more uncertain, commitment to your purpose becomes a priority!

You Were Made for This Moment: A 5-Day Journey
5 Days
Are you weary? Worn out by the bills that keep stacking or a heart that keeps aching? If so, the book of Esther brings welcome news: Relief will come! Though God never promised us a life without trials, he does promise to be with us as we walk through them. In this 5-day plan, you'll learn to trust that God can redeem your struggles for a mighty purpose.

Cherish the Advent
5 Days
Experience Christmas through the eyes of well-known Bible characters. This 5-day plan features Mary Magdalene, the Gospel writer Luke, Queen Esther, the Boy with the Miraculous Lunch, and the Inn Keeper, who had no room for Jesus. Get inspired by their reflections on True Freedom, Real Love, Deep Hope, Big Faith, and Genuine Peace.

Whispers From the Past Mom Devotional: Fun, Witty Lessons for Modern Moms From Moms in the Bible
5 Days
Whispers from the Past Mom Devotional is a devotional that invites moms to reflect on life lessons and timeless wisdom drawn from past experiences and spiritual insights. Each day explores themes of healing, growth, and faith, helping moms connect with God's voice through reflections on past journeys. Designed to offer comfort and guidance, the devotional encourages embracing past lessons as stepping stones for spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of God’s presence in every season of life.

The Audacity of Faith
5 Days
Life is a daring adventure but most people take the path of security and certainty. Every promise of God will require faith to be obtained. Our goal is not to arrive safely at death; the grave benefits nothing from the unfulfilled promises of God in our lives. This devotional provides practical insights on how to live a faith-filled life in a world of doubt and uncertainty.

Esther’s Legacy: Embracing Your Role in God’s Sovereign Plan
5 Days
The story of Esther beautifully illustrates God’s sovereignty and faithfulness in the lives of His people. Despite being in a foreign land, Esther rises to a position of influence, demonstrating that God can use anyone to fulfill His divine plan. Her courage to stand up for her people reveals how faith can lead to significant change and highlights the importance of recognizing one’s purpose in life. Esther’s journey encourages us to trust in God’s timing and provision, reminding us that even in challenging circumstances, we are called to act with bravery and conviction.

Take Courage... God Is Powerful!
7 Days
This week, we’re going to see together that God is strong, that He’s powerful, that He encourages you, and that His desire is to carry and uphold you! Are you ready? 😊

Lessons From Esther
7 Days
Amid fearful times under a tyrannical monarchy, Esther and Mordecai could not see how every detail of God’s redemptive plan would unfold for the Jewish people. Yet, they trusted in the One whose providential purposes could not be stopped, even by the most powerful rulers of their day. This 7-day study on the book of Esther explores how our heavenly King works all things for the good of His people.

Esther: God's Call on a Queen
8 Days
Eight Session, Video-Driven Reading Plan taught by Prestonwood Women's Minister Tasha Calvert.

Made for More: Finding Greater Purpose Through Scripture's Well-Known Personalities
8 Days
What were you made for? This scripture reading plan from Hope is Alive Ministries examines different people in the Bible and uncovers how they—like you—were made for more.

Providence: A Study in Esther
9 Days
The book of Esther is set during the period of exile when God's people are scattered across the Persian empire. As nefarious men plot against the Jews, Esther reminds us that even in dark days God is providentially guiding and protecting His people.

Esther: God's Perfect Work Through Imperfect People
10 Days
In this 10-part devotional, Pastor Dylan Dodson teaches through the book of Esther. This plan will encourage you to trust in God’s providence, even when you can’t see him working.

Bible Characters Who Fulfilled Their Destiny: And How You Can Do the Same
10 Days
Within us is a great desire to fulfill some kind of destiny. Learn from Joseph, Ruth, Esther, David, Solomon and Rahab, who all had a calling on their lives that ended in victory. God has given us these stories to learn how to do the same. 'Destiny' isn't a strange concept that falls outside your faith. In your day-to-day life, you are being shaped for His purposes.

Virtuous Woman
11 Days
The purpose of this study is to present key character traits using examples of women in the Bible. Alexandria McCraney is married with 3 kids, and she resides in Fayetteville, Arkansas on staff with FCA at the University of Arkansas. She is the founder and creator of Pattern Co. Collective and is a Personal & Executive Coach. Kristy Makris also contributed to this resource for women.

The Unseen God — Part Two
12 Days
The book of Esther reminds us that God is working in all circumstances to accomplish His purposes. But Esther didn’t just sit by and let God sort out the details. This reading plan teaches how God’s faithfulness actually gives His people the freedom to live faithfully, trusting that their good deeds will not be in vain as God’s plan unfolds. A humble faith is the foundation of godly courage.

Trusting God's Plan When You Don't See Him: Lessons From the Book of Esther
17 Days
There are times in our lives when God is working behind the scenes, but we don't see Him nor feel His presence. The book of Esther doesn't mention the name of God, but He was directing every step of her story. Join us as we travel back to the Persian empire to learn about Esther, Mordecai, and their amazing story of faith in uncertain times. You'll be encouraged to trust God's plan for your life, even when you don't see Him!

Esther: Silent but Sovereign
30 Days
As Carolyn Lacey takes us through these 30 undated readings you’ll discover that although God’s name is absent from Esther, He is very much present directing the events that take place for the good of His people. Read through these devotions and be encouraged that even when we feel that God is absent, He is still sovereign, in control and loves His people more actively than we often imagine.

Esther: For Such a Time as This
30 Days
In this 30-day study, we'll unpack the Book of Esther and see the hidden hand of God at work in this incredible story. Read about the deliverance of God, the justice of God, the sovereignty of God, and how He equips and positions people to accomplish His perfect purposes and plans.

Pause: A Month of Peace in Five Minutes a Day
30 Days
Depression. Loneliness. Comparison. Greed. Addiction. People-pleasing. These are tools of the enemy to steal your calling and rob your joy. In this reading plan, drawn from his book, Lance Lang invites you to neutralize those tools by taking a pause each day, studying scripture, reading encouragement, taking action, and refocusing your attention on Jesus. Press forward into what God has for you. Press pause.

Daily Bible Reading - July 2020 God's Life-Giving Word of Promise
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Promise.”