Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Deuteronomy 30:9
Success: 16 Verses Revealing the Secrets of Biblical Success
3 Days
A 3-day plan to unlock the secrets of Biblical success. Dive deep into Scripture to discover the true meaning of success, as defined by our Creator. This plan will guide you through transformative verses that reveal the keys to Kingdom success. See you on the inside!
How Much Work Is Enough?
4 Days
What does the Bible say about the amount of time we should put into work each week? What about household chores? Do they count as "work"? While the Bible isn't definite about how much time we should spend working, it does give guidelines so that we can make prayerful decisions about our own situations.
Helping Your Child Thrive
7 Days
Being a kid can be confusing. The struggle to fit in; unnerving changes in the body; an awakening to profound ideals, like love and faith... It’s a lot to handle. That’s why God created parents, to teach children about life and God on their journey toward adulthood. It’s a challenging, yet sacred, role. So this week, let’s discuss ways to help kids understand themselves and discover their identity in Christ.
Psalm 23 - The Shepherd With Me
7 Days
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." You may know Psalm 23 by heart but haven't experienced its power in your life. This beloved psalm can breathe new life if you are weary and unsure of your next steps. It's more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life. Gain fresh insight and encouragement while exploring the depths of God's compassionate care.
Your One Life
7 Days
Did you know that you have everything you need, right now, to live the abundant life that Jesus promised? Your life is not an accident, and how you live it doesn’t need to be an accident either. In this week’s devotional, get a taste of what it means to craft the life you want — the rich, meaningful life God intended for you.
And Then the End Will Come: The Promise of Matthew 24:33
7 Days
The modern state of Israel is a miracle—an unequivocal fulfillment of ancient prophecies that in the end times God would regather his chosen people into their ancestral land. This seven-day study will take you through the key ideas and verses concerning the prophesied regathering of Israel and Jesus’ promise that its restoration would open the door to his return.
Join the Joy Ride
7 Days
Joy to the world! How do we make the most of God’s promise of joy when Jesus was born? In this Plan, we will explore practical ways to live joyfully every day of the year.
A Fun & Holy Life With Jesus Christ
7 Days
Christians talk about how following Jesus can transform your life, but how does becoming a Christian change your life? And what should your walk with Christ look like as a new believer? In this plan, you’ll learn the key steps to living a transformed life with Jesus and how to have fun as a Christian. This plan is ideal for new Christians or believers who are new to faith.
10 Days
The Word of God is full of promises-promises that He will never leave us, that He will strengthen us, and that He will guide us when we trust in Him. Through every challenge and victory, you can experience firsthand the truth that God is always faithful. He doesn't promise that the path will always be easy, but He promises to walk with us every step of the way.
New Year New Heart - 10 New Year Promises From God for You
14 Days
Despite the trouble that we face in our world, we can be encouraged by this promise from John in Revelation 21:5. This Bible plan will help us to stay focused on the victories and breakthroughs we are believing God for in our new year. Jesus rose from the dead and sits with God in heaven. He is ruling and reigning and outworking his great rescue plan even amid our difficulties. He is making ALL things new, even when it looks like our world is breaking down and falling apart!
Finding Safety in God's Care, the Story of Ruth
21 Days
The story of Naomi and Ruth is about believing, trusting God and finding safety in His care. This story is thousands of years old, but still relevant today! This reading plan follows Ruth on her spiritual journey and shows you who God wants to be — for a Moabite woman and also for you.
Daily Bible Reading – August 2021: God’s Word of Promise
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme, “God’s Word of Promise.”
Reading With the People of God - #6 LOVE
31 Days
This is the sixth part of a reading plan through the Bible, following the lectionary pattern of reading in the Psalms, Old Testament, and New Testament each day. In addition, each day this month will feature a memorization challenge for 1 Corinthians 13 (The Love Chapter), and there will be brief devotionals from different people in our Church scattered throughout the plan.