મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને Acts 13:22થી સંબંધિત મનન

Where Are You Headed?
3 Days
All too often we find ourselves making poor decisions and going the wrong direction in our lives. We struggle to see what is just around the corner or we get waylaid by all the bad things that have happened to us in the past. Let bestselling author Tony Evans show you how you can walk in strength and purpose by seeking God’s guidance for every situation.

Loneliness - Finding Hope And Connection
4 Days
We all get lonely at times and feel the effects of not being connected with others in meaningful ways. We want to offer you hope that this is not unique to you. God is aware of all the emotions that come with loneliness. This reading plan offers perspective on how to change and includes a means to connect with people waiting to talk about it or pray with you at [ChatAboutJesus].

See God
4 Days
How have you committed to transform your life this New Year? In this plan we challenge you to see God more fully in 2024. This means walking in purity so your eyes will be open to seeing God like Moses, David, and Mary Magdalene. What did these biblical characters have in common that they truly see God face to face?

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–16–The Travels Of Paul
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the sixteenth part "The Travels of Paul." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Victory in Your Heart
5 Days
Just as your physical body has a heart, so does your spirit. This heart, while invisible to you and those around you, is perfectly visible to God. What we allow in our hearts will affect everything in our lives. David had the mind, will, and emotions of God. That is what I call victory in your heart. Devon D. Daniel, Executive Pastor

Covenant and Scripture
5 Days
The biblical covenants are key to faithfully interpreting God’s historical and eternal purpose. Appreciating the significance of God’s covenants is essential to a holistic interpretation of Scripture.

Making Your Faith Public
7 Days
An anonymous quotation says, "He died in public for you. Why would you live your Christian life in private?" A genuine transformation almost always follows a public testimony, whether to one or two, perhaps a group of people. It's like discovering a cure for a dreaded disease, you just don't keep it to yourself. Make your faith public!

Mandisa - Out Of The Dark Devotional
7 Days
After being stuck in a pit of depression for several years, Mandisa is back with new music and an even deeper relationship with Christ. This devotional plan, written by Mandisa herself, walks readers through select tracks from her album 'Out Of The Dark,' which is exactly where God brought her out of. If you are battling depression, sadness, despair, or hopelessness, remember that Jesus is the one who lifts us up from the mud and the mire and brings us into His glorious Light!

UNCOMMEN: Father Figures
7 Days
Most of us have a Father Figure in our lives. Some may have been great examples and some may have not even been there. In this study we look at a range of men in the Bible and how they performed the role of a Father Figure.

The Book Of Acts
7 Days
The Book of Acts, also called "The Acts of the Apostles," is the companion volume to the Gospel of Luke. This reading plan explores the major concepts that Luke addressed as he unfolded the unhindered spread of the gospel of God's kingdom in the days of the early church.

Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.

Friendship With Our Father
7 Days
The Bible shows us that there are different levels of relationship we can have with our Father. There are many servants, but few are friends of God. In this 7-day plan you will learn, through the lives of David and Moses, among others, how to become a friend of God.

Journey of the Soul
7 Days
The healthy Christian life is one of continuing growth. But so many feel stuck at one stage of the journey making it difficult to move forward. Christian ministry founders and psychotherapists Bill and Kristi Gaultiere help us to identify our current stage of faith and where to take our next steps. No matter the place you find yourself, together we’ll begin the new journey to spiritual, emotional, and relational freedom.

Mighty Mercy
7 Days
Are you someone who feels strongly about crimes against innocent people? How do you feel when a perpetrator gets away with it? Is there a place for mercy in the context of justice? I hope that this Plan will give you a new understanding of showing godly mercy in the fallen world around us.

Surviving Trauma
7 Days
Everybody experiences trauma at some level in their life. During this 7-day devotional, Brian Dickinson, a former US Navy Aviation Rescue Swimmer and Mount Everest survivor, shares his personal military experiences of trauma and provides biblical guidance for finding freedom. There is so much life to live, but only through God will we be able to fully embrace His promise!

FCA Wrestling: The Life of David
7 Days
FCA Wrestling presents, "The Life of David." We are excited you're joining us for our Bible study. Through this study, know that God wants to reveal more of Himself to you and who you are. David is one of the most referenced characters in the Bible. He's not very well understood. We're going to walk through specific moments in David's life and apply those lessons to our lives.

Men of the Bible
7 Days
The Bible is full of stories about interesting men who loved the Lord and stepped fully into His plan and purpose for their lives! This plan covers a few of these men, so read along. Be inspired and ask the Lord what you can learn through their stories and how He wants to use you!

Man of God: What Does a Man of God Look Like?
8 Days
We need men of God today. They must be men with God's character, sanctified, broken, humble, and serving their families, churches, and communities with integrity, purity, righteousness, and dignity. Such men will be like salt, bringing hope to the world and the people around them.

ACTS Zúme Accountability Group
10 Days
We all know that we should read our Bible, pray, and be the church, but what if we actually started doing that? Zúme Accountability Groups are small groups of 2 to 4 people that don’t just want to be hearers of the word, but doers! If you want simple and practical “HOW TO” steps to be and do what Jesus called, commanded, and created us for then start this plan.

Go After God's Heart
12 Days
Leading a small group is about leading people to follow Jesus, right? But what does that look like in real life? We believe it starts with following closely after Him—yourself. The LifeGroups team from Life.Church uncovers leadership principles from the life of David, who God Himself called “a man after My own heart.” Start this Bible Plan today, and take a giant step after God’s heart.

Christian Music Challenge - The Overflow Devo
12 Days
Scripture is full of examples of where music is used to praise God and bring peace and joy to believers. Christ-honoring music also helps bring about transformation in you, and transformed people in the hands of God can transform society. In this 12-day devotional, The Overflow Devo and Christianmusicchallenge.com will help you learn more about God’s purpose for Christian music and how to incorporate it into your daily life.

The Book of Acts: Part 3 - Ends of the Earth
18 Days
An exciting look at the birth of the early church, through the eyes of Luke, the author of the gospel of Luke. This series combines video clips from the movie, The Book of Acts, with thought-provoking questions for reflection, discussion and practical life application.

19 Days
The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.

The Birth of the Christian Church
20 Days
The book of Acts reveals the power of God at work through the Apostles and other individuals who would turn the world upside down with the Christian movement. This study will help you understand the importance of the Holy Spirit at work in your life and recognize that God’s children can do the extraordinary work of Jesus Christ when yielded to his will and power.

21 Days of Deep Living
21 Days
This devotional will guide and direct you during 21 days of prayer and fasting. So that you can really make an impact you must focus on going deeper in prayer, the Word, and in your relationship with God. If that is where God is leading you then this devotional is for you.