Voyage vers la crècheExemple

God’s Heart Revealed
Lay aside for a moment all the theological reasons that explain why Christ came to earth, and think only about God’s great love for you. He loved you so much that He lay aside His glory and honor to become Emmanuel, the One who walks with you. Consider that everything from the beginning—from the Garden of Eden to His work in your own life—was motivated and designed by love.
Love motivated Him to appear to a lowly temple widow who’d prayed decade after decade for His coming. Out of love, God rearranged His schedule so He could meet with the many individuals He ministered to and healed. And it was out of love that He dined with desperate sinners and estranged tax collectors. Those whom society cast aside, He gathered in His arms. His life was love in action.
Jesus showed us the true heart of God, living among us and inviting us to true, deep friendship with Him. He came not to rule and destroy but to save and offer new life to all who would come to Him.
Activity: Call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a while and spend some time reconnecting.
À propos de ce plan

Lors d'une nuit calme il y a 2000 ans, des anges ont apporté la nouvelle de la naissance du Sauveur à un groupe de bergers qui gardaient leurs troupeaux. Après avoir entendu la nouvelle, ces bergers ont tout laissé pour rechercher un bébé dans une crèche à Bethléem. Des années plus tard, l'invitation n'a pas changé. Rejoignez Dr. Charles Stanley pour vous aider à vous rapprocher du Sauveur et vous encourager à prendre du temps pour vous reposer dans l'amour du Père pendant cette période
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