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Kids Can P.R.A.Y.Exemple

Kids Can P.R.A.Y.

Jour 4 sur 16

I can PRAISE God and P.R.A.Y. to Him all the time!

There isn't a special time to pray. You can pray anytime, anywhere. In fact, the Bible tells you that you should pray all the time! It is called "praying without ceasing." When you see something amazing, when you feel God near you, when God answers a prayer, just tell Him how great He is! Praise Him, rejoice in Him, and thank Him no matter where you are.

Tell Someone: Why should you rejoice, pray all the time, and give thanks to God?

Jour 3Jour 5

À propos de ce plan

Kids Can P.R.A.Y.

Kids can pray! What is prayer? Is it asking God to grant all my wishes? Do I have to use fancy words? No way! Prayer is just talking to God whenever you think about Him. You can learn when to pray to God, how to respect Him, and how to listen quietly to Him, too! Get ready to P.R.A.Y. by praising, repenting, asking, and yielding.


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