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Table of ContextExemple

Table of Context

Jour 16 sur 28

This verse written by James (the brother of Jesus) reminds us that our prayers are powerful—Not because we will necessarily get what we want, but because when someone knows we are praying for them, it communicates love, honor, and compassion.

Today, pray for someone. Then, after praying for this person, text them, message them, or tell them face to face that you prayed for them and what they are going through. Just knowing someone cares could be the “wonderful results” your friend needs right now.


Jour 15Jour 17

À propos de ce plan

Table of Context

For many, the Bible just seems to cause more confusion than clarity. As a teenager, you’re already in a phase of asking questions, expressing doubts, and wrestling with the idea of faith. So, how can you begin to make sense of the Bible and its context? This 4-week devotional will help you understand how the ancient words of the Bible connect to your modern, everyday life.
