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We Pray

Jour 10 sur 28

Compassion For The Lost

When Abraham knew God’s plan to Sodom, he had compassion for the lost. A friend of God shares the same compassion even for those who had sinned a great sin. God is compassionate for the lost. In Matthew 9:36, when Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion for them. Abraham interceded for Sodom.

When Israelites sinned against God by worshiping a golden calf, God was so angry that He might consume them. (Exodus 32:10) Moses was a friend of God. He had compassion for the lost. He asked God to forgive their sin, if not, he asked God to remove his name out of His book of life. When God’s wrath came upon Israel, Ezekiel fell upon his face and cried “Ah Lord God! Will you destroy all the remnant of Israel?” (Ezekiel 9:8) Abraham, Moses and Ezekiel’s intercession are not unlike each other. They all had compassion and prayed for the lost.

Prayer: Father Lord, we pray you increase our compassion for the lost, so that we can keep interceding for our unbeliever friends, colleagues, neighbors, community, family and nations. It is because you are the Lord who is compassionate for the lost. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Jour 9Jour 11

À propos de ce plan

We Pray

Moses prayed and pleaded with God in the wilderness to preserve his own name and character and not destroy Israel. As leaders, we must learn prayer covering and intercession for God's people. This 28-day reading plan ...


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