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The 'Job 31' Man: Being a Man of Integrity in a Sinful WorldExemple

The 'Job 31' Man: Being a Man of Integrity in a Sinful World

Jour 10 sur 14


I'm sure Job wasn't simply hospitable because that was his culture. I'm sure he was hospitable because he saw the value and importance of being welcoming, and feeling welcomed. 

Lockdown restrictions have forced us to 'batten down the hatches' and isolate ourselves. Do we still have hospitable hearts, or have we lost our sense of hospitality? May God bring us back to where He would have us to be! 

None of Job's employees or visitors went hungry. He made sure that everyone who entered his abode were well fed and watered. Visitors to the area could be assured of a warm welcome. 

We would do well to learn from Job's hospitality. No one is illegal as far as God is concerned, whoever they are and wherever they're from. Everyone is welcome to enter through heaven's Door, into the care of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

'Dear Father God, thank You for Your warm welcome to strangers like us into Your Kingdom. May we likewise be hospitable to others, to Your praise and glory, amen.' 

How are you with hospitality? How could you be more hospitable? 

Jour 9Jour 11

À propos de ce plan

The 'Job 31' Man: Being a Man of Integrity in a Sinful World

Many of us have heard of the exemplary Proverbs 31 woman. Maybe we've wished for a male equivalent. Well, there is one; the Job 31 man! Let's read together and learn how to become men of integrity.

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