1 Kings: Walk Before Me FaithfullyExemple
Solomon’s speech to dedicate the temple is important for understanding the temple’s significance. In verses 15–21, Solomon blesses God for being faithful to what he promised David in 2 Samuel 7, namely that David’s sons would be kings and that one of them would build a house for the Lord. The reference to the ark in verse 21 also shows God being faithful to his Abrahamic promises in the rescue of Israel from Egypt centuries before. God does not abandon his promises or people.
God, who has shown he keeps his covenants to and a steadfast love with his people in the past, is now entreated to keep the promise of an everlasting dynasty into the future (v. 25). The basis of trusting God for the future is the evidence of his faithfulness in the past.
Christians know a longer history of God’s faithfulness in Scripture than Solomon did. The Bible ought to keep reminding us of God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness so that we live our lives trusting him. Sometimes Christians are accused of having ‘blind’ faith, but the Bible’s message means that our faith is far from blind.
Even though the cloud fills the temple, the ark is in the Holy Place and God has chosen to make 'his Name’ dwell there (Deuteronomy 12:5), Solomon makes it clear that God is not confined by such a building and even fills heaven (v. 27). So Solomon asks God to have open eyes towards this temple to heed his prayer. Prayer can be prayed not only in the temple but ‘towards’ the temple (v. 29).
Muslims pray facing Mecca, so Islamic countries often have signs showing the direction of Mecca. Ancient Israel was to pray towards Jerusalem and the temple. For Christians, Jesus is our living temple. Therefore, we do not need to pray facing a particular direction, but the ‘direction’ of our prayers should be through Jesus to the Father. Jesus shows us the full faithfulness of God and is thus the basis of trusting God for the future.
How do we pray Jesus-directed prayers?
À propos de ce plan
1 Kings tells the story of the rise and, tragically, the fall of God’s leaders. You’ll meet Israel’s greatest king as well as their most notorious. Despite the division of hearts, loyalties, and kingdoms, 1 Kings also teaches us of God’s faithfulness. You’ll see how God remained at work behind the scenes and through his prophets to fulfil his promises to his wayward people.